Improvement of Ecological and Energy Indexes of FWD Vehicles with Hydrostatic Transmission due to the Optimal Development of Electronic Control System




Nowadays the application of variable-speed transmissions (mainly, electric and hydrostatic ones) is considered to be the most perspective for all-wheel drive cars. In given article is considered hydrostatic transmission which is the best object for creation of an automatic control system. There is a possibility of optimisation of characteristics of any object adapted for automatic regulation. In article conditions of optimisation of power indicators of the car on criterion of minimisation of the general losses of capacity, and ecological indicators of the car by criterion of minimisation of size of slipping are resulted. The example of practical realisation of the car with the hydrostatic transmission, having automatic control system is resulted.


R Kurmaev

NAMI-Service Innovation company, MSTU MAMI

8-495-223-05-23 доб. 14-26; ОАО «Инновационная фирма «НАМИ-Сервис», МГТУ «МАМИ»; NAMI-Service Innovation company, MSTU MAMI

M Malkin

NAMI-Service Innovation company, MSTU MAMI

8-495-223-05-23 доб. 14-26; ОАО «Инновационная фирма «НАМИ-Сервис», МГТУ «МАМИ»; NAMI-Service Innovation company, MSTU MAMI


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