Dynamics of blood pressure, heart rate variability and QTc in patients with metabolic syndrome on the selective betablockerand biguanide therapy.


Aim: this study the changes of blood pressure (BP), heart rate variability (HRV) characteristics, average weighed rhythmogram variation
(AWRV) and QTc in patients with metabolic syndrome (MC) and arterial hypertension (AH) before and after therapy of betablocker,
metformin and their combination.
Materials: 51 patients with МС and AH were enrolled in the study. The patients were randomization on 3 groups:
the monotherapy of nebivolol (N) 5 mg/days (n=18), the monotherapy of metformin (M) 1700 mg/days (n=15) and nebivolol+metformin
combination therapy (N+M) (n=18). The estimated variables included of BP, HRV, AWRV and QTc before and after 24 weeks of
the treatment.
Results: after 24 weeks of the N treatment QTc interval change from 44823 ms to 43317ms (p<0.05), AWRV change from 784198
ms to 9355315 (p>0.05). Treatment of M changes AWRV from 872234 ms to 761195 (p>0.05), QTc from
44825 ms to 43427 ms (p<0.05). Treatment of the combination N+M therapy did not significant dynamics of AWRV
and QTc.
Conclusion: The conclusion: the nebivolol monotherapy increased HRV. Metformin monotherapy and combination N+M therapy
does not significant change HRV. The monotherapy of N or M leads to reduction of interval QTc.


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