Nephrological service of the Russian Federation 2022: post-covid period. Clinical nephrology



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The regular report of the Specialized Commission for Nephrology of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Health of Russia [1] presents data on the state of the nephrological service of the Russian Federation as of December 31, 2022 (the period of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic), primarily related to renal replacement therapy (RRT), as well as a number of general indicators: number of dialysis centers, beds, medical staff. The data cover 98% of the subjects (excluding Kamchatka and the Altai Republic), representing 99% of the Russian population. The state of the nephrological service during the height of the pandemic was published in previous reports in 2020 and 2021 [2–4].

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Sobre autores

Evgeny Shilov

Sechenov University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2111-191X

Dr.Sci. (Med.), Professor at the Department of Therapy, Occupational Diseases and Rheumatology

Rússia, Bldg. 2, 8 Trubetskaya st., Moscow, 119048

Marina Shilova

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6921-4483

Cand.Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor at the Department of Pediatrics

Rússia, 1 Ostrovityanova st., Moscow, 117997

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Sechenov University

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4935-4139

Postgraduate Student, Institute of Leadership and Healthcare Management

Rússia, Bldg. 2, 8 Trubetskaya st., Moscow, 119048

Mikhail Batyushin

Rostov State Medical University


Dr.Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Nephrology

Rússia, 38 Nakhichevansky lane, Rostov-on-Don, Rostov region, 344022

Andrey Bevzenko

OOO "B. Brown Avitum Russland Clinics"


Chief Doctor




Rússia, 7 Krasnodarskaya st., Khabarovsk, 680009

Andrey Belskikh

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy named


Corresponding Member of RAS, D.Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Nephrology and Efferent Therapy

Rússia, Bldg A, 17 Botkinskaya st., Saint Petersburg, 194944

Nadezhda Veselkova

Sevastopol City Hospital № 1 named after. N.I. Pirogov


Head of the Nephrology Department


Rússia, 19 Admiral Oktyabrsky st., Sevastopol, 299011

Ashot Yesayan

Pavlov Medical University


Dr.Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, Faculty of Postgraduate Education


Rússia, 6–8 Lev Tolstoy st., Saint Petersburg, 197022

Sergey Ivliev

Regional Clinical Hospital


Cand.Sci. (Med.), Nephrologist at the Hemodialysis Department

Rússia, 3A Partizan Zheleznyak st., Krasnoyarsk, 660022

Oleg Kotenko

City Clinical Hospital №. 52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8264-7374

Cand.Sci. (Med.), Head of the Moscow

Rússia, 3 Pekhotnaya st., Moscow, 123182

Natalia Petrova

Regional Clinical Hospital


Cand.Sci. (Med.), Head of the Nephrology Center

Rússia, 112 Bolshaya Kazachya st., Saratov, 410012

Mikhail Statsenko

Volgograd State Medical University


Dr.Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department of Internal Diseases

Rússia, 1 Pavshikh Boytsov Square, Volgograd, 400131

Aleksey Stolyar

Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1”


Dr. Sci.(Med.), Head of the Department of Nephrology

Rússia, 185 Volgogradskaya st., Yekaterinburg, 620102


  1. Состав Профильной комиссии по нефрологии Минздрава России от 10 июля 2023 года ( [The composition of the Profile Commission on Nephrology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2023 ( / (In Russ.)].
  2. Шилов Е.М., Шилова М.М., Румянцева Е.И., Есаян А.М., Котенко О.Н. Состояние нефрологической службы в Российской Федерации: заместительная почечная терапия в период с 2017 по 2021 г. Клиническая нефрология. 2022;1(14):6–15. Doi: [Shilov E.M., Shilova M.M., Rumyantseva E.I., Yesayan A.M., Kotenko O.N. The state of the nephrological service in the Russian Federation: renal replacement therapy in the period from 2017 to 2021. Clinical Nephrology. 2022;1(14):6–15. (In Russ.)] DOI:
  3. Шилов Е.М., Котенко О.Н., Шилова М.М., Мильчаков К.С., Румянцева Е.И., Хальфин Р.А. Эпидемиология COVID-19 у больных, получающих заместительную почечную терапию в Российской Федерации: итоги 2020 г. Клиническая нефрология. 2021;1(13):5–12. DOI: [Shilov E.M., Kotenko O.N., Shilova M.M., Milchakov K.S., Rumyantseva E.I., Khalfin R.A. Epidemiology of COVID-19 in patients receiving renal replacement therapy in the Russian Federation: results of 2020. Clinical Nephrology. 2021;1(13):5–12. (In Russ.)] Doi:
  4. Шилов Е.М., Котенко О.Н., Шилова М.М., Мильчаков К.С., Румянцева Е.И., Хальфин Р.А. Нефрологическая служба Российской Федерации в 2019-2020 г.: отчет Президиума Профильной комиссии по нефрологии Экспертного Совета Минздрава России. Клиническая нефрология. 2020;4(12):5–14. Doi [Shilov E.M., Kotenko O.N., Shilova M.M., Milchakov K.S., Rumyantseva E.I., Khalfin R.A. Nephrological service of the Russian Federation in 2019-2020: report of the presidium of the specialized commission on nephrology of the expert council of the ministry of health of the Russian Federation. Clinical Nephrology. 2020;4(12):5–14. (In Russ.)] DOI:
  5. Шилов Е.М., Сигитова О.Н. Хроническая болезнь почек в практике врачей первичного звена. Терапия. 2023;(3):106–12. Doi 10.18565/therapy.2023.3.106-112 [Shilov E.M., Sigitova O.N. Chronic kidney disease in primary care practice. Therapy. 2023;(3):106–12 (In Russ.)] DOI:

Arquivos suplementares

Arquivos suplementares
2. Fig.1. Epidemiology of COVID-19 in patients on RRT in comparison with the entire population of the Russian Federation in 2020

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3. Fig.2. Total number of patients on RRT in the Russian Federation in 2017–2022

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4. Fig.3. Total number of patients undergoing HD in the Russian Federation in 2017–2022

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5. Fig.4. Total number of patients on PD in the Russian Federation in 2017–2022

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6. Fig.5. Total number of patients with APT in the Russian Federation in 2017–2022

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7. Fig.6. Patients on all types of RRT in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, total

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8. Fig.7. Patients undergoing HD in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, total

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9. Fig.8. Patients on PD in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, total

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10. Fig.9. Patients with renal Tx, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, total

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11. Fig. 10. Total patients on MRT per 1 million population in the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation

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12. Fig. 11. Total patients on HD per 1 million population in the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation

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13. Fig. 12. Total patients on PD per 1 million population in the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation

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14. Fig. 13. Total patients with ATP per 1 million population in the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation

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15. Fig. 14. Dialysis centers in 2017–2022, total

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16. Fig. 15. Dialysis centers (total, public, private) and bed capacity (total, 24-hour, daytime) in 2022

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17. Fig. 16. Number of medical specialists per 100 thousand population of Russia in 2021 (Rosstat, 2022)

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18. Fig. 17. Supply of nephrology services with nephrologists in 2017–2022 (Rosstat, 2022)

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19. Fig. 18. Trends in the number of patients on RRT and nephrologists in Russia, Canada and the UK: growing personnel shortage in the Russian Federation

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