Сauses of death in patients receiving program heamodalysis




Aim. Assessment of causes of death in patients on program haemodialysis, based on demographic characteristics.
Methods. 88 patients on program haemodialysis, died from 2003 to 2010 years were analyzed.
Results. The leading cause of death was cardiovascular complications, but their role started to diminish since 2007. Women more oftener, than men, died from acute myocardial infarction and stroke. In younger age (16 - 45 years) main causes of death were chronic heart failure and stroke, but no acute myocardial infarctions were observed. In group age >45 years acute myocardial infarction was the third among leading causes of death (inferior to chronic heart failure and stroke.
Conclusion. Age and gender influence the structure of causes of death in patients on program haemodialysis.


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