Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in early perioperative period after renal tranplantation



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Aim. Estimation of prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients in early perioperative period after renal transplantation. Methods. 60 patients in early (30 days) perioperative period after renal transplantation were included into the study. All patients received standard triple immunosupressive therapy. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed according to body mass index, glycemia, blood pressure, serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-, LDL- and VLDL-cholesterol levels, uricemia was also detertmined. Results. 26,7% of patients had excess body mass, 18,3% - obesity of I degree, 5,0% - obesity of II degree. Hyperglycemia was found in 25%, in 50% - dislipoproteinemia; 75% of patients had arterial hypertension, 40% - tendency for hyperuricemia. Majority of patients in early perioperative period after renal transplantation require correction of metabolic syndrome.




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