Renal function assessment in formation of unfarovable prognostic model in patients with myocardial infaction (acute coronary syndrome with ST elevation)



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Aim. Assessment of prognostic role of renal dysfunction in patients with myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation. Methods. medical records of 350 patients (і88 (53,7%) male, 162 (42,3%) female, age ЗЗ - 85 years, mean age - 64,8±11,7 years) with myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation were analyzed. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was calculated by MDRD formula. According to GFR values, patients were divided into З groups: GFR > 90 ML/MIN/1,73 m2, 60-89 ML/MIN/1,73 m2, 30 -59 ML/MIN/1,73 m 2 and <30 ML/MIN/1,73 m 2. Results. Moderate or significant reduction of GFR was found in the majority of patients with myocardial infarction. Decrease of GFR was associated with age, severity of myocardial infartion, number of comorbidities and complications, changes in approaches to treatment, and growth of the hospital and delayed mortality. In miltifactorial analysis, the renal dysfunction remains one of the main factors determining the unfavorable prognosis of mi. Conclusion. Determinantion of glomerular filtration rate should be used in prognostic models, used in myocardial infarction




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