The drug Canephron in complex treatment of patients with acute gestational pyelonephritis



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Pyelonephritis is a leader in frequency among kidney disease patients with different stages of pregnancy, which determines not only medical but also social significance of the problem. The basic component of conservative treatment of acute gestational pyelonephritis is an antibacterial therapy of different groups of antibacterial drugs. However, the hopes assigned to these chemicals are not fully realized, and antibiotic therapy was far from harmless method of treatment, which gives a large number of complications, adverse reactions, allergies, however because of the stability of microflora not always ensure the recovery. Conducted on the basis of the City clinical hospital № 29 work showed that acute gestational pyelonephritis use of combined antibacterial therapy using herbal medicine allows more quickly to arrest the clinical and laboratory manifestations of pyelonephritis and to reduce the frequency of relapse inflammatory process in pokeroom period. Recommendations on the combined treatment of acute gestational pyelonephritis.




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