Kidney damage in the newcoronavirus disease COVID-19



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Objective. Analysis of the kidney damage in COVID-19 patients in Surgut. Material and methods. A retrospective cohort clinical study of kidney damage in a new coronavirus infection was carried out; study included 136 patients treated at the Surgut Regional Clinical Hospital from 24.06.2020 to 24.07.2020.Results and conclusion. Changes in urinanalysis were registered in 70.9% of patients: proteinuria without edema and hypoalbuminemia - in 76.8% (73 patients). A transient increase in creatinine levels without the development of acute kidney injury (AKI) was detected in 16.4% (22 patients) of patients with coronaviral disease. AKI was diagnosed in 17.6% (24) patients. The mean glomerular filtration rate according to the CKD-EPI formula in the AKI group was 46.9 ml/min. In patients with a new coronavirus infection no associations of the incidence of AKI with gender, age, severity of coronavirus infection and a certain class of comorbidity were found. Negative dynamics according to computed tomography data in AKI patients was observed in 54% of cases. In 91.8%, the results of calculating concentration indices made it possible to regard AKI as prerenal




Galina Gromova

Surgut State University

Nephrologist, Cand.Sci.(Med.), Senior Lecturer at the Department of Multidisciplinary Clinical Training of the Medical Institute

Lyudmila Verizhnikova

Surgut State University

Therapist, Senior Lecturer, Department of Internal Diseases, Medical Institute

Natalya Zhbanova

Surgut Regional Clinical Hospital


Aurika Stepovaya

Tyumen State Medical University

Therapist, Cand.Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor at the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology

Irina Tyurina

Surgut State University

Cand.Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor at the Department of Pathophysiology and General Pathology of the Medical Institute


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