The journal "Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine" has been accepted for Scopus

Posted: 23.10.2021

On October 22, 2021, the journal "Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine" – the official journal of the National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, was accepted for the international database "Scopus" based on the decision of the Expert Council for the selection of content in (Scopus Content Selection and Advisory Board).

The journal is among 130 journals on medical rehabilitation indexed in this authoritative international database. The articles will be indexed in Scopus in the first half of the year 2022. In a few months, the official information about the publication will also appear on the Scopus website in the "Sources" section, confirming its presence in this database.

Recalling that the aim of the journal is to contribute to the formation of new promising researches in the field of medical rehabilitation, researchers’ and practitioners’ education, development and establishment.

The main directions of the journal are:

1. Neurorehabilitation;

2. Medical rehabilitation in traumatology and orthopedics;

3. Medical rehabilitation in cardiology;

4. Medical rehabilitation in pediatrics;

5. Interdisciplinary problems of medical rehabilitation and health resort treatment.

The authors of the journal are accomplished professionals, prominent scientists, promising researchers. The reviewers of the journal are leading experts in various fields of medicine.

Articles published in the publication are indexed in foreign and domestic databases: Web of Science (Russian Science Citation Index - RSCI), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (Ulrichsweb), Google Scholar, WorldCat, RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index), CyberLeninka, etc.

The journal is included in the list of publications of the Higher Attestation Commission recommended for the publication of articles containing dissertation materials.

Indexing in the Scopus database is an important achievement of the journal editors all over the world. Our journal has received a good review from the Scopus expert and we understand that the main work is just beginning. The editorial board is interested in publishing high-level Russian and foreign articles and invites authors to cooperate.

Indexing in the Scopus database is an important achievement for journal editors around the world. Our journal received a good review from the Scopus expert and we understand that the main work with the publication is just beginning. The editorial team of the journal is interested in publishing high-level Russian and foreign articles and invites authors to cooperate.

Many thanks to the editors, reviewers and authors for their work on the journal!

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