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or the first time on Far North in clinic-physiological study the condition of microcirculation by laser Doppler flowmetry method is researched, also the evaluation factors of microcirculations channels control was organized by means of wavelet analysis of LDF-gram by the adult newly arrived people of the age of 20-59 depending of age, periods of residence in high lalitude and level of adaptation. Deterioration of the total factors of basal perfusion with increasing of the age over 40 is shown, as well as duration of residence in high latitude more than 15 years, and also the increasing of blood-filling of microcirculation channels with the deterioration of adaptive possibilities of the organism. The redistribution of the influence of active and passive factors of the supervision of microcirculation channels condition is revealed with the oppression of firsts and the activation of the lasts, promoting reduction of all components of microvascular tone and increasing of dynamic shunt amount.


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Copyright (c) 2008 Kolbasin L.N., Buganov A.A., Mamedova S.I.

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