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In two experiments with 7-day dry immersion cellulose acetate electrophoresis of blood proteins from tests
subjects was carried out. 4 individuals participated in the first experimental series, and 9 - in the second. The above immersion
studies produced similar effects, namely, the decrease of the percentage of albumin fraction, individual shifts in α1-globulin,
elevation of α2-globulin, and the decline of γ-globulin. These alterations in sum correspond to the pattern intrinsic for an acute
phase reaction. Earlier the same changes in electrophoretic profile were detected in the blood of cosmonauts after short-term
space flights. The changes in the content of electrophoretic fractions at the acute phase response are backgrounded by the
acceleration or depression of the synthesis of several protein known as an acute phase proteins (positive and negative acute
phase proteins correspondingly). Albumin is a negative acute phase protein, i.e. its production at an acute phase response
decreases. Nevertheless, the attenuation in its content observed in our immersion studies can be also produced by its
migration from the blood to extravascular space because of its possible role in plasma volume regulation.


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