Dinamika massy tela pri ispol'zovanii kompleksnogopodkhoda v lechenii izbytochnoy massy tela i ozhireniya

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On the basis of studying of dynamics of weight of a body of 176 women the estimation of efficiency of the
developed preventive program which was realized on base «School of correction of excess weight» (an individual and group
way of treatment) and traditional treatment of adiposity in treatment-and-prophylactic establishments is spent. Results of
treatment of adiposity have shown higher efficiency of treatment under the developed program at group and individual
treatment and deduction of weight of a body in 36 months from an initiation of treatment. It allows to recommend use of the
given program, both at group, and at an individual way of treatment. The lowest efficiency of traditional treatment of adiposity
among patients of control group demands introduction of the developed program in practice of treatment-and-prophylactic

About the authors

E N Lobykina

Email: Postmastergiduv@rambler.ru


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