Vol 23, No 2 (2024)

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Rehabilitation of cardiological patients with post-COVID syndrome: morphofunctional data report

Sobirova G.N., Masiero S., Usmankhodjayeva A.A., Bekchanova M.R., Demin N.A.


INTRODUCTION. Post-COVID is a common complication of COVID-19, occurring in more than a third of patients, and condition will persist for more than 3 months after infection with the SARS-CoV-2.

AIM. To evaluate impact and potential effectiveness of a comprehensive physical rehabilitation program on health of cardiac patients with complications of a previously suffered new coronavirus infection SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study involved 128 cardiology patients with post-COVID syndrome. The study participants comprised three groups depending on the 12-week physical rehabilitation program. The effectiveness of rehabilitation was assessed through parameters of cardiopulmonary testing, as well as the 6-minute walk exercise test and the degree of dyspnea according to modified mMRC dyspnea questionnaire.

RESULTS. The mMCR index in CPR group was 1.0 [0.0–1.0] point, compared with 2.0 [1.0–2.0] in control and comparative groups (p < 0.05); exercise tolerance VO2max increased by 8.3 ± 3.8 % (p < 0.05); normalization of heart rate and blood pressure in response to physical activity after 12 weeks in intervention group was 5.0 ± 2.1 % compared to comparative and control groups; 6MWT test results 688 m, in the intervention group, versus 490 m, for participants in control group (p < 0.05).

DISCUSSION. A comparative analysis of previously conducted studies confirmed pattern between the inclusion of combined cardiorespiratory training in the protocol for 12-week rehabilitation of post-COVID complications among cardiac patients, and a decrease in the degree of shortness of breath, as well as an increase in exercise tolerance.

CONCLUSIONS. Based on experimental data obtained, it is advisable to analyze the effects of Cardiopulmonary Physical Rehabilitation program in the framework of larger randomized clinical trials. This will allow a more detailed assessment of the clinical consequences, as well as the ability to adjust mode and dose of physical activity of proposed rehabilitation program.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2024;23(2):7-16
pages 7-16 views

Effect of lung breather on hospital stay in patients with acquired pneumonia: a randomized clinical study

Hassan A.K., Elnahas N.G., Soliman Y.M., Ghaleb H.A.


INTRODUCTION. Acquired pneumonia is a severe medical condition that is addressed as life-threating issue requiring intensive care. The Medical Breather device can activate and strengthen both the inspiratory and expiratory muscles, so it can be useful for patients with pneumonia.

AIM. To investigate the breather effect on length of hospital stay in patients with pneumonia.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. Sixty participants diagnosed with acquired pneumonia “30 women, 30 men stayed in hospital in ICU for two weeks; aged 30–40 years old” selected from chest department of Kasr Al-Aini Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Cairo University. They were randomly allocated into equal groups; Group A received respiratory training via incentive spirometer, and traditional chest physiotherapy; and Group B received respiratory training via Breather, and traditional chest physiotherapy, both received 3 session daily/2 weeks. Diaphragmatic excursion, Respiratory Distress Observation Scale, and ICU discharge were assessed before and after the treatment.

RESULTS. Both groups revealed significant improvement after the treatment, while Breather group showed a high significant increase in pH 1.23 %, PaO2 11.79 %, SaO2 6.1 %, and diaphragmatic excursion by 36.97 %, also decrease in PaCO2 2.78 %, RDOS 39.06 % and NEWS2 by 50.72 % in comparison to incentive spirometer group that recorded significant increase in pH 0.68 %, PaO2 6.69 %, SaO2 by 2.66 %, and diaphragmatic excursions by 8.15 %, also significant decrease in PaCO2 12.12 %, RDOS 15.01 % and NEWS2 by 20.93 %. HCO3 revealed no significant difference post treatment (p > 0.05).

DISCUSSION. Breather usage in inspiratory musculatures training (IMT) gained Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (Pimax) significant improvement. IMT enforces both diaphragm and accessory respiratory musculatures. Probably functional capabilities improvements based on enhanced respiratory musculatures’ both endurance and strength that improve pulmonary oxygen uptake thus minimize dyspnea severity. Respiratory muscles training program improves not only cognitive function. Moreover, IMT could be addressed as a prime component of respiratory training in combine with expiratory one that is why whom has preserved pulmonary function.

CONCLUSION. Breather as a respiratory training technique has remarkable results in reducing hospital stays in patients with acquired pneumonia, and significant positive effects on diaphragmatic function, oxygenation levels. Therefore, it is recommended to use Breather for routine acquired pneumonia care.

REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: No NCT06062862; registered April 30, 2022.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2024;23(2):17-24
pages 17-24 views

Collagen hydrogel protects intestinal epithelial cells from indomethacin-induced damage: results of an in vitro experiment

Markov P.A., Sokolov A.S., Artemyeva I.A., Gilmutdinova I.R., Fesyun A.D., Eremin P.S.


INTRODUCTION. Indomethacin is a derivative of indoleacetic acid and has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. However, the results of numerous studies show that indomethacin, like many other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), have an inhibitory effect on the viability and functional activity of enterocytes. In this regard, the search for new ways to reduce the severity of side effects from the use of NSAIDs remains relevant. One of these approaches may be to enrich patients’ diets with non-drug biologically active compounds, including proteins. However, the effect of dietary proteins and biologically active peptides on NSAID-induced damage to the wall of the small intestine and stomach has not been sufficiently studied.

AIM. To evaluate the ability of a collagen-containing dietary supplement to protect human duodenal epithelial cells (HuTu-80 line) from indomethacin-induced damage.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The composite collagen-containing hydrogel was provided by «FIRST ALIVE COLLAGEN» LLC (Russia) and is a registered dietary supplement. The work used a commercial culture of human skin fibroblast cells and human duodenal epithelial cells (line HuTu-80). The viability of intestinal cells and fibroblasts was assessed using light and fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry methods.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. It has been established that indomethacin inhibits cell growth, causes apoptosis and death of enterocytes, and also leads to the accumulation of cells in the S-phase, which indicates a disruption in the regulation of the cell cycle. It was revealed that collagen hydrogel prevents cell death caused by indomethacin and reduces the number of apoptotic cells in the population. The protective effect of collagen hydrogel is characterized by normalization of the cell cycle of enterocytes and restoration of their growth and proliferative activity.

CONCLUSION. Thus, collagen hydrogel, in vitro, is able to reduce the pathogenic effect of indomethacin on human intestinal epithelial cells. The protective effect of collagen hydrogel is characterized by maintaining viability, inhibiting apoptotic processes, and maintaining cell cycle stability. The results obtained indicate the prospects of using a dietary supplement based on a composite collagen hydrogel as a prophylactic agent to reduce the risk of NSAID-associated gastrointestinal diseases. However, to confirm the therapeutic effectiveness of the dietary supplement, further research is necessary, both using experimental animal modeling of NSAID-associated diseases of the human gastrointestinal tract, and clinical studies.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2024;23(2):25-33
pages 25-33 views

Сurrent medical rehabilitation methods for patients after carpal tunnel syndrome surgical treatment: a review

Greben T.N., Fesyun A.D., Greben A.I.


INTRODUCTION. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common tunnel syndromes types and ranks sixth in the all-occupational diseases’ registry. The high interest in this pathology and its’ postoperative management peculiarities study is due to the disease widespread prevalence, social significance, often unsatisfactory surgical treatment results and a long hand function restoration period. The purpose of this work was to study modern concepts of postoperative rehabilitation of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.

SOURCE SEARCH METHODOLOGY. When preparing the review, open electronic databases of scientific literature were used: PubMed, ClinicalTrials.gov, eLibrary.ru. The search for medical literature data was carried out using the following keywords: “rehabilitation”, “carpal tunnel syndrome”, “carpal tunnel syndrome”, “median nerve”, “compressive neuropathy”. The criteria for inclusion in the analysis of literature sources were: randomized controlled clinical trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Preference was given to publications over the past 5–10 years.

DISCUSSION. The article presents the most commonly used techniques in the postoperative management of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, discusses the mechanisms of their action and prospects for the development of this area. The review discussed the following rehabilitation methods: a wide range of methods of hardware physiotherapy, manual therapy, kinesiotaping, manual lymphatic drainage, as well as the possibilities of physical therapy and robotic mechanotherapy. Despite the high level of development of medicine, the long process of rehabilitation of these patients remains an important problem, while the clinical effectiveness of a wider range of proposed techniques still remains poorly understood. Some of the most promising methods of rehabilitation of patients after surgical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome are methods of robotic mechanotherapy and extracorporeal shock wave therapy.

CONCLUSION. For the effective use of the described techniques as part of the postoperative rehabilitation of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome in clinical practice, further research and study of their long-term effects, as well as comparison of their effectiveness with the aim of the most complete and rapid restoration of the function of the affected hand, is necessary.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2024;23(2):34-41
pages 34-41 views

Possibilities of backward walking application in the rehabilitation of patients with gonarthrosis: review

Klemenov A.V.


INTRODUCTION. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint or gonarthrosis (GA) is one of the most common joint pathologies. The medical and social significance of GA is associated with its high prevalence and a significant percentage of premature disability and a significant deterioration in the quality of life due to persistent pain syndrome. Modern treatment of patients with GA includes a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods; physical therapy is the leading method of non-drug therapy. By now, a number of studies have been conducted to research the effectiveness of backward walking (BW) in people with GA.

AIM. Analysis of scientific data on the possibilities of using BW in the rehabilitation of patients with GA.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. A systematic search of literary sources by keywords was carried out: “backward walking”, “gonarthrosis”, “knee osteoarthritis”, “knee joint”, “rehabilitation”, “physical therapy”.

DISCUSSION. Recently, backward locomotion is increasingly used in medicine. Kinetic and kinematic analysis during BW showed a number of advantages over the usual method of movement, which can be successfully used for rehabilitation of patients with GA. BW is associated with less overload on knee joints. It is also one of the few natural ways of strengthening the quadriceps. It prevents excessive stretching of the anterior cruciate ligament and improves the stability of the knee joint. BW leads to a more cardiovascular and respiratory load and a more significant aerobic and anaerobic capacity of the organism compared with forward walking at similar parameters of physical activity.

CONCLUSION. There is evidence that adding BW to conventional physiotherapy treatment may further reduce pain, functional disability and improve the strength of the quadriceps muscles.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2024;23(2):42-48
pages 42-48 views

Views about the clinical, diagnostic and comprehensive treatment of plantar fasciitis: a review

Airapetov G.A., Agafonov D.G., Serdobintsev M.S., Kaftyrev A.S.


INTRODUCTION. One of the problems in modern podiatry is plantar fasciitis. According to population studies, more than two million patients are treated for plantar fasciitis each year in the United States, 1 in 10 people will develop heel pain during their lifetime, and 1 % of visits to podiatrists are related to heel pain. Plantar fasciitis occurs in approximately 10 % of the general population, with 83 % of these patients being active working adults between the ages of 25 and 65. The high prevalence of plantar fasciitis in the population necessitates the search and development of new and effective methods for its recognition and treatment.

AIM. Generalization of literature data on the mechanisms of development of plantar fasciitis, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The databases PubMed, Scopus and the electronic scientific library eLIBRARY were searched for articles using the keywords: “plantar fasciitis”, “plantar fasciosis”, “heel pain”, “heel spur”. Search depth — 10 years. Publications related to the diagnosis and treatment of PF were selected. During the study, 40 publications were selected, the content of which, to one degree or another, corresponded to the purpose of this study.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Pain syndrome in the area of the heel bone is the main reason for seeking medical care in patients with plantar fasciitis. Currently, there are several approaches to the treatment of plantar fasciitis: conservative and surgical treatment. Conservative treatment is represented by methods of manual therapy, physical therapy, and physical therapy. Surgical methods include various variants of resection of the bony outgrowth of the calcaneal region and other interventions.

CONCLUSION. Treatment of plantar fasciitis requires a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, as no single treatment method is universal. Conservative treatment of patients with plantar fasciitis should be comprehensive. Due to the high prevalence of plantar fasciitis in the population, the introduction of new treatment techniques and the development and use of a unified patient management tactic can improve patient outcomes and quality of life. Among other surgical methods, the use of RFD has a positive effect in patients with PF refractory to conservative therapy and is the least invasive method among surgical methods.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2024;23(2):49-56
pages 49-56 views

Clinical case of complex rehabilitation for post-traumatic myelopathy using Taraskul lake sapropels

Zhuravel T.V., Prokopyeva M.S., Turovinina E.F., Kravchenko M.A.


BACKGROUND. Post-traumatic myelopathy (combat injury) is a serious condition that leads to severe functional impairment requiring complex rehabilitation based on assessment of functional impairment. The use of sulfide-silt mud is used in sanatoriums of the eastern military district for the rehabilitation of patients with pathology of the musculoskeletal system according to generally accepted methods. Lake Bolshoi Taraskul in the Tyumen region is a natural reservoir of sapropels with unique biological properties.

AIM. Show on the example of a clinical case the results of an integrated approach in the rehabilitation of a patient with post-traumatic myelopathy as a result of combat trauma, implemented on the basis of an individual.

CASE DESCRIPTION. Patient, 32 years old, with post-traumatic myelopathy due to spinal injury. Upon admission, the indicators: rehabilitation routing scale — 5 points, Revermid mobility index — 4 points, Ashforth spasticity scale — 3 points, ASIA scale — B, FIM functional independence scale 99 points. Initially, the patient is transferred from the chair to the couch with minimal support, sits without additional support for more than 5 minutes, verticalization of the patient only using high support (high walkers). The comprehensive rehabilitation program included physiotherapy, hydrokinesotherapy and peloidotherapy with Lake Taraskul sapropels. As a result of treatment, the patient walks with a support on a walker on a flat surface with rest, walks along the wall with a support on handrails. A patient supported by canes climbs a ladder.

CONCLUSION. This clinical case discloses the effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation of a patient with post-traumatic myelopathy (combat trauma) with the inclusion of Lake Taraskul in the rehabilitation program for hydrokinesiotherapy and peloidotherapy with sapropels.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2024;23(2):57-65
pages 57-65 views

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