Kompleksnoe lechenie bol'nykh bronkhial'noy astmoys ispol'zovaniem nizkointensivnogo dinamicheskiizmenyayushchegosya magnitnogo polya

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The aim of the investigation is to establish magnetic field inclusion of hardware- and- program complex Multimag in
complex treatment of patients with bronchial asthma in phase of acute and chronic condition. Results: according to J.C. Hogg
questionnaire average number after treatment in the groups of observation was smaller than in the groups of comparison both
acute and chronic condition of bronchial asthma. After treatment in the groups of observation lungs ventilation function was
improved and concentration of inflammatory interleukines decreased as well as part of patients with unfavorable reactions of
adaptation. The defined changes were either absent or smaller in the groups of comparison than in the groups of observation.
Conclusion: magnetic field inclusion in bronchial asthma therapy causes more expressed positive dynamics of clinical and
laboratory-and instrumental indices in comparison with those who received only medicamental treatment.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Vladimirskiy E.V., Kir'yanova T.V., Babushkina G.D., Kir'yanova N.V.

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