Effektivnost' ispol'zovaniya interval'noy gipoksicheskoy trenirovki v sochetanii s apparatnymtraktsionnym metodom v reabilitatsionnoy programme patsientov s degenerativno-distroficheskimizabolevaniyami pozvonochnika

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The results of combined treatment of 123 patients with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of spine using detensor-therapy
and normobaric interval hypoxic training were studied. The treatment was performed with using the DETENSOR method for
careful traction of spine and hypoxicators of the firm Trade Medical.
The application of combined exposure of detensor-therapy and normobaric interval hypoxic training improved the state of
all parts of functional respiratory system: external respiration, blood-circulation, blood oxygen capacity, oxygen saturation of
arterial blood. Besides all the clinical presentations of disease were significantly reduced in comparison to the control group
(pain syndrome reduced in 2.8 times in comparison to the control group). The combined application of normobaric hypoxic
training and detensor-therapy has absolute advantage to the separate use of these methods. The integrative method can be
recommended for curing patients with degenerative-dystrophic changes of spine.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Sukhinina E.M., Tsyganova T.N., Safonicheva O.G.

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