Puti formirovaniya lechebnogo effekta kriomassazha i sil'vinitovoy speleoterapii pribronkhial'noy astme

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The research was conducted to evaluate effect of chest cryomassage and sylvinite speleotherapy complex administration
for treating the patients with partially controlled bronchial asthma. It was established that spasmolytic reflectory effect
of cryomassage is potentiated as well as regress of allergic inflammation been occurred to the end of treatment. Inclusion
of sylvinite speleotherapy to the rehabilitation complex contributes to optimization of anti-inflammatory, broncholytic,
immunocorrective effects of treatment.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Rassulova M.A., Antonovich I.V., Ayrapetova N.S., Styazhkina E.M.

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