


Gynecology is the peer-review journal dedicated to providing the very latest information in clinical and research fields related to a wide range of topics in obstetrics, gynecology and women’s health. 

The journal publishes editorial conference updates, original research, reviews, clinical case reports, commentaries, clinical and laboratory observations by Russian and international authors, pertinent to readers in CIS countries and around the world.

The Journal emphasizes vigorous peer-reviewing and accepts papers in Russian and English with most rapid turnaround time possible from submission to publication. Abstracts for all papers are available in both languages.

It has served the interests of gynecologists, endocrinologists and all other professionals in gynecology and women's health by providing on bimonthly basis clinical information and practical recommendations to various aspects in the field of women's health. 

Special area focus/ journal sections:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs
  • Endometriosis
  • Contraception
  • Pregnancy failure
  • Hysteromyoma
  • Current methods of diagnosis and treatment

The journal welcomes papers both from researcher and clinical gynecologist, endocrinologist and pharmacologist from all around the globe to deliver up-to-date and authoritative coverage of leading research and clinical practice relevant to specialists in CIS and other countries. 



Bimonthly issues publish since 1999 in print and online in Open Access under the Creative Commons NC-SA 4.0 International Licensee.



Vera N.Prilepskaya
MD, PhD, Professor



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Current Issue

Vol 26, No 3 (2024)


The effectiveness and acceptability of systemic enzyme therapy in the complex treatment of vulvovaginitis caused by opportunistic microorganisms: Open-label single-center prospective comparative randomized study
Prilepskaya V.N., Mezhevitinova E.A., Abakarova P.R., Donnikov A.E., Uruymagova A.T.

Background. Vulvovaginal infections are the most common, studied, and still causing many questions. It has been established that the disturbance of the ratio of the vaginal microbiota components does not always lead to a disorder since the development and outcome of the disorder largely depend on the state of the macroorganism, including the state of its immune system. To date, the only method for assessing the state of local immunity is smear microscopy with counting leukocytes. An alternative to leukocyte counting is the assessment of immunological parameters (e.g., the transcriptional profile of cytokine genes). An integrated approach to assessing the state of microbiocenosis (the ratio of lactobacilli and opportunistic pathogens) and local mucosal immunity, considering the individual genetic characteristics of patients and microorganisms, makes it possible to optimize treatment methods for vaginitis. One of the ways to increase the effectiveness of treatment and prevention of the recurrence of infectious and inflammatory diseases in gynecology is systemic enzyme therapy based on the complex effect of a specially selected combination of plant and animal origin enzymes on key physiological and pathophysiological processes in the body.

Aim. To study the clinical effect and the effect of combined therapy with an antibiotic and a medicinal product, including a complex of enzymes of plant and animal origin (Wobenzym) on the state of the vaginal microbiota, the expression of cytokine genes, and the recurrence rate in patients with bacterial vulvovaginitis.

Materials and methods. An open-label, single-center, prospective, comparative, randomized study enrolled 88 patients according to inclusion criteria. After randomization of patients into 2 groups, the main group received combination therapy (clindamycin vaginal cream 2% and Wobenzym), and patients of the comparison group received standard therapy only (clindamycin vaginal cream 2%). Short-term and long-term endpoints were defined. The primary endpoints included the assessment of symptoms, the change over time of the number of leukocytes in Gram-stained smears, and the recurrence rate; the secondary endpoints were the study of the change over time of the inflammation index, the results of the assessment of the state of the vaginal microbiota by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction using the Femoflor 16 reagent kit and a microbiological study.

Results. When used in combination, Wobenzym potentiates the antibacterial properties of clindamycin, reduces the inflammation index, promotes the growth of the normal microbiota of the vagina (Lactobacillus spp.), prevents the growth of opportunistic microorganisms and, as a result, prevents the recurrence of vulvovaginitis.

Conclusion. The results support the use of combination therapy (antibiotic + Wobenzym) to improve the effectiveness of therapy and maintain normocenosis.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):200-209
pages 200-209 views
Characteristics of uterine bleeding associated with an oral contraceptive containing drospirenone in combination with estetrol: A multicenter observational study
Kuznetsova I.V., Evsyukova L.V.

Background. An unfavorable bleeding pattern is a common reason for refusing to continue hormonal contraception.

Aim. To evaluate the characteristics of uterine bleeding when using a new combined oral contraceptive (COC) containing estetrol and drospirenone (Esteretta®).

Materials and methods. A multicenter observational study included 1402 females aged 18–49 who received Esteretta® for 6 cycles. The frequency, duration, and severity of withdrawal bleeding, as well as the frequency of unpredictable bleeding, were assessed.

Results. The rate of regular withdrawal bleeding was 100%. The proportion of women with heavy menstruation/withdrawal bleeding decreased from 29.6 to 10.07% (p<0.0001). The duration of regular withdrawal bleeding was significantly reduced (p=0.008). The incidence of unpredictable bleeding during COC use decreased from 4.57 to 3.29% (p=0.05). Satisfactory cycle control was observed in 87.43% of women. 2.5% of participants refused to continue using COCs.

Conclusion. Esteretta® provides a high rate of regular withdrawal bleeding and a low rate of unpredictable bleeding. Given the optimal safety profile, this drug may be the first choice for contraception in sexually active women who are not planning a pregnancy.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):210-215
pages 210-215 views
Comprehensive assessment of the quality of life in patients with pelvic organ prolapse before surgical treatment: A prospective cohort observational study
Shakhaliev R.A., Kubin N.D., Nikitina T.P., Ionova T.I., Shkarupa D.D.

Aim. To evaluate comprehensively the quality of life (QoL) of patients with pelvic organ prolapse (POP) who have indications for reconstructive surgery (RS) and determine the optimal tools for QoL assessment as part of preoperative screening.

Materials and methods. The study included 860 patients hospitalized for RS at the Saint-Petersburg State University Hospital. The following validated questionnaires were used to assess QoL: the RAND SF-36 (general QoL questionnaire and specialized questionnaires), in particular the P-QoL (QoL Pelvic Organ Dysfunction Questionnaire in POP), the PFDI-20 (Pelvic Organ Dysfunction Questionnaire), the ICIQ-SF (Stress Incontinence Questionnaire), the PISQ-12 (PTD Sexual Dysfunction Questionnaire), the HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). Lower abdominal and lower back pain was assessed using a Visual Analog Scale.

Results. Significant QoL reduction was found in most patients, including in physical and psycho-emotional aspects. Among the patients, there were no women with a high level of physical and mental health components. The indicators of vitality, general health, role-physical, and emotional functioning were more significantly reduced. More than 1/3 of women had borderline or increased levels of anxiety, and 1/4 had high levels of depression. Notably, the P-QoL questionnaire was used for the first time in the russian population of patients with POP. It identifies general health perceptions, the impact of prolapse on life, role, physical, social and personal limitations, emotions, sleep/energy, and symptom severity. Based on the study, optimal tools for preoperative screening and monitoring the state of patients after surgery are proposed.

Conclusion. The population of women with POP with indications for RS is heterogeneous in terms of the severity of physical and psychosocial functioning impairment and the degree of impact of pelvic organ prolapse symptoms. The following questionnaires can be considered as optimal tools for assessing QoL and symptom burden in patients with POP as part of preoperative screening: P-QoL to assess the decrease of various QoL aspects, PFDI-20 to determine the severity of specific pelvic organ dysfunction symptoms, HADS to identify the level of anxiety and depression.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):216-222
pages 216-222 views
The prevalence of uterine fibroids in Sverdlovsk region: A retrospective study
Sevostyanova O.Y., Chumarnaya T.V., Sevostyanova N.E., Belomestnov S.R., Oboskalova T.A., Striganova O.D.

Aim. To analyze the dynamics of the incidence and prevalence of uterine fibroids (UF) in the population of women in the Sverdlovsk region (SR) and the municipality of Yekaterinburg.

Materials and methods. A study was conducted on the incidence and prevalence of UF in rural and urban women aged 18 years and over in 2016–2022. The data from Table No. 3000 of the Federal Statistical Observation Form No. 12 “Information on the number of diseases registered in patients living in the service area of a medical organization” were analyzed. When calculating the indicators, the average annual number of women aged 18 years and over in 2016–2022 was used, the values were expressed in 0/0000.

Results. It was found that the incidence of UF in SR was 149.11 0/0000, in the city – 130.89 0/0000 in 2016. There was an increase in the incidence of UF in the SR and the city by 1.93 and 1.96 times in 2019, respectively, compared with 2016 (p<0.001). The average growth rate (AGR) of incidence in the SR and the city was 24.6 and 25.2% respectively, and had a pronounced growth dynamics in 2016–2019. The prevalence of UF in SR was 735.8 0/0000, in the city – 650.74 0/0000 in 2016. Subsequently, the dynamics of the increase in prevalence, similar to the incidence, was observed. The prevalence rate in the region was 15.5%, in the city – 11.6% in 2016–2019. There was a decrease in the incidence of UF in SR (p=0.014) and the city (p<0.001) in 2020–2022. The AFR had a negative value: -3.4 and -7.9%. The prevalence of UF corresponded to a moderate trend, taking into account the positive values of AFR: 1.3% in SR and 2.3% in the city.

Conclusion. The prevalence of UF in SR and the city of Yekaterinburg in the pre-pandemic period (2017–2019) was characterized by a marked increase compared to the initial 2016 year. During the pandemic, there was a slight dynamics in the city and stagnation of the indicator in the SR due to a pronounced decrease in incidence.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):223-228
pages 223-228 views
Differential diagnosis of benign and malignant ovarian tumors based on the blood metabolome
Iurova M.V., Tokareva A.O., Chagovets V.V., Starodubtseva N.L., Frankevich V.E.

Background. The high mortality rate from ovarian cancer is largely due to the asymptomatic course of the disease. The signs of malignant and borderline ovarian tumors are similar to the manifestations of benign lesions, which determines the relevance of developing additional examination procedures and searching for new cancer markers that will distinguish benign and malignant processes.

Aim. To build stable blood lipid panels for differentiation of healthy women, patients with benign (BOT) and malignant (MOT) ovarian tumors.

Materials and methods. The search for markers for clustering of molecular profiles of blood samples of patients of the Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology with BOT (cystadenoma – n=30, endometrioid cyst – n=56, teratoma – n=21), with MOT (borderline tumor – n=28, ovarian cancer of low malignancy – n=16, ovarian cancer of high malignancy – n=59) and volunteers of the group control (n=19) using discriminant analysis of orthogonal projections to hidden structures with an established threshold of importance of the variable VIP>1 (OPLS) and the method of projections to hidden structures (PLS-PLS – it is a technology of multidimensional statistical analysis used to reduce the dimension of the feature space with minimal loss of useful information; VIP importance threshold >1) and other statistical tools. Samples’ molecular profile was complete by species, which were identificated by nuclear magnetic resonance and high-perfomance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The analysis of the involvement of compounds that are potential markers of malignant processes in metabolic pathways was carried out.

Results. Based on the OPLS and PLS methods, as a result of pairwise and multiclass comparisons, respectively, sets of lipids were identified that can be considered as markers of malignant and benign neoplasms. The overlap of the obtained panels with databases of metabolic pathways was studied, in particular, it was shown that all markers (except glucose) obtained by PLS for differentiation of healthy patients, patients with BOT or with MOT are involved in the transport of small molecules, glucose and lactate are involved in the “TCA Cycle” pathway “Nutrient Utilization and Invasiveness of Ovarian Cancer”. Triglycerides TG 16:0_16:0_18:1, TG 16:0_18:0_18:1, TG 16:0_18:1_18:1, TG 18:0_18:1_18:1, TG 18:0_18:1_18:2 and lactate are involved in the “HIF1A and PPARG regulation of glycolysis” pathway, and The HIF1A and PPARG genes are associated with the development of tumors. Metabolites CE 20:4, TG 16:0_16:0_18:1, TG 16:0_18:0_18:1, TG 16:0_18:1_18:1, TG 18:0_18:1_18:1, TG 18:0_18:1_18:2 are included in the pathways of energy metabolism, and LPC 16:0, PC 16:0_20:3, PC 16:0_20:4 is involved in the path of “Choline metabolism in cancer”. Graphs of the correlation interaction of markers that allow solving classification problems with an unambiguous interpretation of the results are constructed, which makes it possible to assert the prospects of using these panels for further creation of classification models.

Conclusion. It is shown that lipids from the developed panels are involved in metabolic pathways associated with the development of tumor diseases and can be used for further validation of diagnostic models based on advanced machine learning methods. The introduction of the achievements of postgenomic research has the potential to increase the diagnostic value of the applied methods of differentiation of benign and malignant proliferative processes, as well as to supplement the available data on the processes of carcinogenesis in the ovaries. Thus, the analysis of the molecular profile of blood by mass spectrometry is a minimally invasive potentially effective diagnostic method.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):229-236
pages 229-236 views
Options for the prevention of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerotic vascular lesions in perimenopausal patients: A prospective study
Lapina I.A., Dobrokhotova Y.E., Nikitenko Y.A., Tyan A.G., Chirvon T.G., Taranov V.V.

Introduction. Cardiovascular diseases are still the leading cause of death worldwide. In contrast to men, in women, cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary artery disease, acute cerebrovascular accident, and thrombosis of various localization, develop later in life. A fold rise in risk begins during the menopausal transition. Given the increase in the postmenopausal period of a woman's life, it seems interesting to search for new methods of early prevention of cardiometabolic complications already in perimenopause.

Aim. To optimize early non-hormonal prevention of endothelial dysfunction and perimenopausal cardiovascular complications.

Materials and methods. A prospective study included 50 patients aged 45–55 years in perimenopause without obesity and other somatic or gynecological disorders with menopausal syndrome of varying severity. Patients in group 1 (n=25) received combined non-hormonal treatment of menopausal symptoms and prevention of cardiovascular complications [sulodexide 250 lipasemic units (LU) 2 times a day + phytoestrogen (cimicifuga extract) 1 capsule 2 times a day]. In group 2 (n=25), patients received only phytoestrogen according to the same regimen.

Results. After 1 year of observation, the mean thickness of the intima-media complex of the common carotid artery in group 1, in which patients received complex course therapy including sulodexide (Vessel Due F), decreased by 3.7%, and in group 2 increased by 26.8%. In group 1, it was found that after 1 year of regular use, treatment contributed to a decrease in blood fibrinogen level by 11.8% and an increase in thrombin time by 24.5%, which, in combination with a decrease in prothrombin concentration and an increase in activated partial thromboplastin time by 4.7 s, indicates a pronounced therapeutic effect on the hemostasis system.

Conclusion. All markers of early atherosclerosis and vascular complications progress during postmenopause and with increasing age. However, complex protective therapy, including glycosaminoglycans sulodexide), can slow down this progression while improving patients' quality of life. Non-hormonal complex therapy can not only neutralize menopausal symptoms but also prevent long-term vascular complications caused by increasing age and the lack of estrogen-protective effect.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):237-241
pages 237-241 views
Combining minimally invasive technologies and phytotherapy in mammology: A safe and effective duet. A prospective study
Pokul L.V., Orazov M.R., Lebedeva M.G., Demina A.O.

Background. Breast cysts are a relatively common benign condition, accounting for 26.4% of all benign mammary dysplasias (BMD). Due to scientific and technological progress, in many cases, it is possible to achieve improvement from non-surgical and complex therapy, including minimally invasive technologies such as image-guided air injections with non-surgical treatment.

Aim. To determine the optimal approach for the management of benign breast cysts and to provide a rationale for the combined use of air injections with phytotherapy.

Materials and methods. The study included women aged 25 to 45 years (mean age was 37.7±5.6 years) taking combined oral contraceptives (COCs) for at least 3 years with benign breast cysts. Patients were randomized into two groups: Group 1 (n=26) included patients with a cystic form of BMD who received a fine-needle puncture followed by air mixture injections into the cyst cavity in combination with non-surgical therapy with the herbal medicinal product Mastopol®; Group 2 (n=19) included patients with a cystic form of BMD who received only air injections into the cyst cavity. The dosing regimen of Mastopol® in patients of Group 1: 1 tablet sublingually 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The non-surgical therapy was initiated on the day of the air injection. The duration of treatment with Mastopol® was 3 months.

Results. A pain decrease was reported in 18 patients (69.2%) of Group 1; in Group 2, only 2 (10.5%) patients reported a pain decrease. Almost all patients of Group 2 (n=17; 89.5%) required repeated air injections for complete cyst reduction, while in Group 1, only 31% (n=8) of patients received repeated air injections. Comparative analysis showed a significant difference between the groups: φ*=1.7; p≤0.04. One month after treatment and air injections, mastalgia of varying intensity in Group 1 persisted in 31% (n=8) of patients and 89.5% (n=17) of patients in Group 2.

Conclusion. While taking COCs, women may experience pain and tension in the breast, as well as an increase in the echo density of the breast and thickening of the glandular tissue and the wall of the cysts. These adverse effects of COCs must be reduced. The results of the study demonstrated the effectiveness of the antiproliferative herbal drug Mastopol®, prescribed in combination with an adequate, effective, and safe method such as air injection into the cyst cavity.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):242-248
pages 242-248 views
A polymorphic variant of rs440837 A>G in the ZBTB10 gene is associated with the occurrence of moderately differentiated breast cancer
Pasenov K.N., Ponomarenko I.V., Churnosov M.I.

Aim. To study the associations of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of candidate genes associated according to genome-wide association studies (GWAS) with the content of sex hormone binding protein (SHBG) with the occurrence of moderately (G2) and low (G3) differentiated breast cancer.

Materials and methods. The study samples included 271 patients with breast cancer, of which 157 had a G2 tumor differentiation and 114 – G3, and 1140 women of the control group. In the study groups, genetic testing of 4 GWAS-significant for SHBG SNPs was performed: g.80549739A>G ZBTB10 (rs440837), g.63379150T>G JMJD1C (rs7910927), g.7618597G>T SHBG (rs12150660), g.21178615T>C SLCO1B1 (rs4149056).

Results. Polymorphic gene variants associated with SHBG are associated with G2 differentiation in BC but not with the risk of high-grade tumor (low-grade differentiation). The single nucleotide substitution of rs440837 A>G in the ZBTB10 gene is associated with G2 differentiated BC according to additive (GG vs AG vs AA; odds ratio 0.70; 95% confidence interval 0.50–0.99; p=0.041; pperm=0.042) and dominant (GG+AG vs AA; odds ratio 0.58; 95% confidence interval 0.39–0.87; p=0.008; pperm=0.009) genetic models and the minor allelic variant of G rs440837 was a protective factor in the occurrence of a moderately differentiated tumor. The polymorphic variant of rs440837 A>G in the ZBTB10 gene is the most important epigenetic modifier in the liver (associated with enhancers and promoters); it affects the alternative polyadenylation of the ZBTB10 gene mRNA in the thyroid gland.

Conclusion. According to GWAS, the G rs440837 (A>G) allele in the ZBTB10 gene, which is associated with high SHBG, reduces the risk of moderately differentiated BC.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):249-253
pages 249-253 views


Potential and perspectives of local application of hyaluronic acid in vulvovaginal atrophy in women of reproductive age: A review
Prilepskaya V.N., Nazarova N.M., Devyatkina A.R., Abakarova P.R., Mezhevitinova E.A.

Disruption of the structure and function of the vulvovaginal epithelium in women of reproductive age is accompanied by impaired sexual function and a decrease in the quality of life. This review analyses research on the use of hyaluronic acid (HA) for women of reproductive age with conditions and diseases manifesting as vulvovaginal atrophy. HA is involved in various physiological processes, including tissue regeneration, cell migration and proliferation during inflammation, and helps maintain water balance and tissue integrity. Local therapy with HA is effective in treating the symptoms of vulvovaginal atrophy in women of reproductive age associated with hypoestrogenism, both as a monotherapy and in combination with other treatments. It improves sexual function and quality of life, helping women to improve their sexual lives and living standards.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):254-259
pages 254-259 views
Heavy menstrual bleeding and anemia: The problem is growing and requires a solution. A review
Chernukha G.E.

Anemia is a global health problem, affecting about a quarter of the world's population, especially women of reproductive age and young children. In 50–75% of cases, anemia is secondary to iron deficiency (ID). Despite the high prevalence of heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB), the associated iron deficiency disorders are underestimated, although they sharply reduce the quality of life and carry significant risks for the mother, fetus and newborn in case of pregnancy. For this purpose, routine screening of girls and women of reproductive age for the presence of ID and anemia is recommended. The new FIGO initiative aims to raise awareness among women and clinicians about the relationship between HMB and ID conditions. Of key importance are: early diagnosis of HMB, elimination of the possible cause, identification of associated iron deficiency disorders, especially preclinical forms. The main task of the gynecologist is to prescribe therapy aimed at quickly stopping high monthly iron losses and replenishing the existing ID. According to Russian clinical guidelines, combined oral contraceptives and an intrauterine system with levonorgestrel are considered first-line therapy to reduce the volume of menstrual blood loss in patients with HMB who require contraception. Qlaira® and Mirena® are the only hormonal drugs registered for contraception and the treatment of HMB not associated with structural disorders of the uterus, since their high effectiveness in reducing menstrual blood loss, restoring hemoglobin and ferritin levels has been confirmed in studies with a high level of evidence.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):260-269
pages 260-269 views
Chemopreventive properties of 3,3'-diindolylmethane: From experimental to clinical studies. A review
Vlasov A.V., Yakushevskaya O.V.

The basis for the prevention of cancer is the correction of initial epigenetic disorders in the cell, i.e. implementation of pathological genome reversion. Convincing evidence has accumulated to support the potential antitumor activity of compounds derived from cruciferous vegetables of the genus Brassicaceae. Indole-3-carbinol and 3,3'-diindolylmethane (DIM) have been investigated for their use as chemopreventive agents. DIM is formed in the acidic environment of the stomach as a result of dimerization of indole-3-carbinol monomers. Currently, it is impossible to identify a specific vector of influence of DIM at the molecular level. In this review, we summarize the pleiotropic effects of DIM aimed at correcting reversible epigenetic changes in tumor cells. Emphasis will be placed on the major cellular and molecular events that are effectively modulated by DIM. The main profile of DIM competencies concerns the management of intracellular signal transmission and correction of initial molecular genetic changes at the level of key participants in signaling pathways (NF-κB/Wnt/Akt/mTOR) leading to the development of cancer. The ability of DIM to differentially modulate tumor cell apoptosis has been observed in preclinical studies. It has been suggested that using DIM it is possible to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic compounds with different molecular targets, thereby increasing chemosensitization. DIM has entered phase III clinical trials, with preliminary results confirming its promise both as a stand-alone drug and in combination with other components of anticancer therapy. Establishing the range of epigenetic control of DIM molecular and genetic changes in various cancers will allow optimization of therapeutic epigenetics approaches.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):270-274
pages 270-274 views


Personalized approach to pre-graduate preparation in women with chronic endometritis. Case report
Pestrikova T.Y., Khamroeva U.Z.

Over the past few decades, the attention of gynecologists and reproductive specialists has been drawn to the key causes of female infertility, among which chronic endometritis (CE) dominates. The aim of the paper is to inform gynecologists about the need for a comprehensive approach (considering comorbidities) to diagnose and treat CE using medical and physiotherapeutic treatment methods. The article presents a prospective review of pregravid preparation, considering the features of the examination, verification of the diagnosis, and treatment of two patients with a history of reproductive losses due to CE. The presented clinical cases demonstrate the importance of multidirectional diagnosis of CE, the mandatory morphological examination to verify the diagnosis, as well as the feasibility of prescribing complex therapy using both drug (antimicrobial therapy, immunomodulatory, hormonal, and combined broad-spectrum agents) and physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):275-281
pages 275-281 views
Necrotizing fasciitis as a rare form of postpartum sepsis. Case report
Belokrinitskaya T.E., Golygin E.V., Fomin D.P., Shal'nyova E.V., Chugai O.А., Oslopova A.А., Lugovskaya O.V.

Modern strategies of the World Health Organization and clinical guidelines of the world's leading professional communities of obstetricians and gynecologists, based on effective clinical practices, make it possible to attribute sepsis to potentially preventable causes of direct maternal mortality with the possibility of a near-miss situation outcome. Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a disseminated soft tissue infection that is a rare and life-threatening form of septic complications in obstetrics. The disease is little known to practical doctors, and its outcome largely depends on the timely diagnosis and early initiation of adequate treatment, including massive antibiotic therapy and urgent surgical removal of necrotic tissue with correction of multiple organ disorders. Pregnant women and women in labor are at risk for NF since its main risk factors are mucosal and skin injuries of any origin, immunosuppression, diabetes, and obesity. We present two cases of near miss due to the NF and sepsis after vaginal birth and cesarean section. At the manifestation of the disease, both patients started broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy. When soft tissue necrosis appeared, debridement was performed. A 31-year-old patient had a more severe course of the disease (septic shock, severe multiple organ failure) and a less favorable outcome (hysterectomy, panhypopituitarism, large ventral hernia), which is probably due to the presence of significant risk factors (history of sepsis, grade 1 obesity, autoimmune thyroiditis). In a 37-year-old somatically healthy patient with only one risk factor (age over 35 years), NF's clinical course and outcome after cesarean section were more favorable (the uterus was preserved, and the hormonal and metabolic status was not disturbed). Pregnant women and women in labor should be identified as a risk group for NF due to unavoidable damage of the mucous membranes and skin even during normal childbirth and routine obstetric procedures, a high rate of surgical delivery, physiological immunosuppression, and a high prevalence of obesity and diabetes. Rapidly initiated complex treatment, including massive antibiotic therapy, debridement, immunoglobulins, efferent therapies, and hyperbaric oxygenation, can improve the outcome of the disease and prevent maternal mortality.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):283-290
pages 283-290 views
Placental site trophoblastic disease in practice of gynecologist (case report).
Fadeev I.E., Sotnikova T.N., Bruzgin Е.A., Poletova T.N., Polushkina T.V.

Gestational trophoblastic disease is uncommon in practice. Usually a hydatidiform mole, an invasive mole and a choriocarcinoma are known among gynecologists. The practitioners have much less information about diseases associated with the intermediate trophoblast. These rare forms of trophoblastic disease are almost impossible to diagnose clinically. The morphological differential diagnosis is also quite difficult. Just careful attention to details, methodical study of the material, starting with routine staining methods, ending with immunohistochemical analysis, the use of molecular and cytogenetic typing, make it possible to establish the correct diagnosis and choose an effective therapeutic strategy. The article describes a rare clinical case of a placental site trophoblastic disease which was manifested by an ordinary abnormal uterine bleeding and then successfully diagnosed only by pathology experts.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):292-296
pages 292-296 views
Echographic approaches to diagnosing and evaluating obstructive uropathies in pregnant women. Case report
Voevodin S.M., Yusufov A.A., Shemanaeva T.V.

Obstructive uropathy (OU) is a complication of urinary tract diseases, characterized by the presence of an obstacle in the urine outflow. This condition in pregnant women usually leads to urological and/or obstetric complications and requires timely diagnosis to optimize the treatment. A description of the ultrasound findings and a review of two cases of OU in pregnant women are presented. The indication for an ultrasound examination of the kidneys was clinical and laboratory findings. The identified signs and features of the OU became the basis for appropriate treatment and prevention of severe obstetric complications, which were avoided in our cases. However, the outcomes of the described clinical cases indicate the need for a more thorough urological and obstetric approach to women with obstruction uropathy. The ultrasound examination to detect obstructive uropathy in pregnant women, as well as the details and determination of possible etiological factors, were a reliable means of preventing severe obstetric and perinatal complications.

Gynecology. 2024;26(3):297-300
pages 297-300 views

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