Analysis of innovation and investment balance of industrial policy in Russia amidst digital transformation with the application of artificial intelligence methods



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The research purpose is to analyze the innovation and investment balance of industrial policy as an imperative of industrial development amidst digital transformation. The study solves the problem of improving the tools for assessing the effects of industrial policy in terms of implementing the principle of innovation and investment balance. To conduct the research, a method of complex analysis of heterogeneous statistical data is proposed. It consists in clustering data based on neural networks, which is an important section of artificial intelligence. Neural network modeling based on self-organizing Kohonen maps, objectified on the platform of the Deductor analytical package, was used, since it is free from model limitations and external interference in the neural network. A system of indicators grouped into four sectors has been developed. These sectors determine the balanced innovation and investment development of industrial policy, taking into account the interests of the most important groups of stakeholders amidst digital transformation. This allowed to give it a comprehensive assessment. The features of innovation and investment development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are systematized. There is a strong difference between the regions of the Russian Federation in terms of the level of innovation and investment balance of industrial policy, as well as the main imbalances amidst digital transformation. The article may be of interest to specialists involved in the problems of design and implementation of program documents of industrial development at the regional and federal levels.

Sobre autores

Vladislav Frolov

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - National Research University (UNN)


Valentina Perova

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - National Research University (UNN)



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