Network innovation structures in the regional economy: forms and types of management strategies



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The article deals with the problems of activation of the regional innovation process in the paradigm of network management. The research purpose was to analyze the role of innovation networks in stimulating the growth of the regional economy, as well as the effectiveness of various forms and types of strategies for managing network innovation structures in the regional management system. The research methodology is based on the complex application of such general scientific, economic methods and approaches as dialectical, systemic, situational, analysis and generalization. As a result, the influence of innovation networks in the creation and maintenance of the regional innovation system was determined. The advantages and risks of realizing the potential of innovative structures in the regional economy were shown. The expediency of developing and implementing an effective management system for the formation of regional innovation networks in accordance with the proposed stages was substantiated. The characteristic of the main forms of network management was given. The role of various types of innovation network management strategies was determined. The totality of the results obtained allowed to propose an up-to-date list of potentially important actions for the development of innovative network structures in the regional economy, which can be used in the development of mechanisms for ensuring sustainable advanced development of domestic regions.Acknowledgments:The article was prepared based on research materials on the topic of research of the Kabardino-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (topic registration number 122041200050-5).

Sobre autores

S. Tumenova

Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência

старший научный сотрудник отдела «Экономика знаний и опережающее региональное развитие», кандидат экономических наук

Rússia, Nalchik


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