Methods and tools for the public management of the smart city



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The research purpose was to develop the theoretical provisions for the public management of smart cities and to systematize the methods and tools for the public management of smart cities. Digital technology has a huge impact on the development of modern society, including through new models for managing socio-economic systems at different levels. At the municipal level, the model of smart cities is increasingly used as ideas for managing the territory, which involves a digital technological basis and socio-economic models formed on its basis as drivers for the development of urbanized territories. New conditions for the existence of urban areas create the need for the development of new foundations for managing these areas. The article identifies the problems of public management of urban areas and systematizes the methods and tools of public management of smart cities. The novelty of the research lies in the development of provisions for the public management of smart cities. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the development of the foundations for managing socio-economic systems amidst digitalization. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the results in management activities. Acknowledgment:The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under project No. 22-28-00439.

Sobre autores

Konstantin Semyachkov

Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Perm Branch)



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