Interaction of participants in the pharmaceutical supply chain



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The article deals with the urgent tasks of ensuring the sustainability of the pharmaceutical supply chain. Unsustainable work of supply chain participants negatively affects the availability of medicines for the population, as well as the costs of budgets at all levels for health care. The irrational spending of all types of resources for the production, and subsequently for the distribution of pharmaceutical products, creates a threat to the socio-economic well-being of future generations. Therefore, existing pharmaceutical supply chains must be carefully analyzed and optimized. To improve the sustainability of supply chains, it is recommended to apply the concept of integrated business planning. For the high efficiency of business planning, it is advisable to apply innovative digital technological solutions. Digitalization of production and distribution functions increases the coordination of supply chain participants based on reliable information about demand, minimizes the consequences of disruptions in the processes of production and delivery of medicines. This makes a significant contribution to ensuring the sustainability of the pharmaceutical supply chain. These methodological provisions are planned to be used to develop a model for the sustainability of the pharmaceutical supply chain.

Sobre autores

Mikhail Matosov

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


Oleg Larin

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Russian University of Transport; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



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Declaração de direitos autorais © Matosov M.V., Larin O.N., 2023

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