University as a business organization in the market of educational services



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In the article, the authors consider universities from the perspective of business organizations that are full-fledged active market entities. It is emphasized that the application of terms related to entrepreneurship to universities indicates only the types of connections within an educational organization and the methods of management, but not its functions or type. The authors substantiate that universities in modern realities require new methodological approaches that will allow them to prepare and make informed management decisions for successful strategic development. The authors suggest their own vision of the entities' relations in the education market and resource exchange between the university and its stakeholders. The authors conclude that one of the main tasks of universities is the advanced satisfaction of all stakeholders (both external and internal).

Sobre autores

Anna Tikhonova

The Ural State University of Economics (USUE)


Dina Prostova

The Ural State University of Economics (USUE)



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Declaração de direitos autorais © Tikhonova A.D., Prostova D.M., 2023

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