Financial solvency: from awareness of the need for evaluation to strategy formation




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Bankruptcy is recognized as a lengthy process that begins long before the signs of insolvency appear. Therefore, bankruptcy and insolvency are called strategic dangers. Various bankruptcy forecasting models are limited to the short-term perspective. Strategic goals are ignored. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between bankruptcy, i.e. company liquidation, insolvency, i.e. temporary financial difficulties, and financial solvency, i.e. maintaining financial performance based on the principle of balance and strategic orientation. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the need to take into account financial solvency as a condition that allows to control financial activities and prevent bankruptcy. The article presents a study of bankruptcy statistics. Clarification of the content of the concept of financial solvency as a strategic guideline is given. The necessity of developing a financial solvency strategy is substantiated. It is revealed that bankruptcy and insolvency are strategic dangers for the company, since the existing methods of assessment and forecasting work only for operational assessment. The results of the study will be of interest to scientists dealing with the problems of crisis management, for financial managers and specialists in strategic management.


Galina Merzlikina

Volgograd State Technical University



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