Prospects for studying cardiac damages in infectious diseases

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At present there are no conventional criteria for the differential diagnosis of cardiac infectious damages. This causes myocarditis to be diagnosed more frequently by pathologists than by clinicians. In investigators’ opinion, myocardial inflammatory changes accompany 1 to 5% of all cases of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Their etiological agent may be any of the known pathogens. A rich variety of proposed methods to estimate the data of 24-hour ECG monitoring, Doppler ultrasonography, and laboratory examinations has found no extensive application because of non-specific changes and discrepant recommendations for their interpretation. In most cases, the proposed new high-technology methods are inaccessible and associated with the risk of complications in a group of infants. The problem will be solved by the results of new researches with the qualitative total characterization of changes in relation to the etiology and duration of disease and patient age. The recommendation must take into account the availability of the procedures. Complication risk markers should be determined. Assessing the nature of histological changes on laboratory models will aid in eliminating the disagreement.

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About the authors

T. A Ru/hençova

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare


A. V Gorelov

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare



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