Immunization of adolescents against tuberculosis

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The paper discusses the vaccination and revaccination with BCG vaccine, mass screening surveys of children and adolescents by the Mantoux test to select groups at risk for active tuberculosis, and further individual diagnosis among the children and adolescents in these groups. It gives data on the efficiency of immunization against tuberculosis in the Russian Federation and those on the negative historical experience in withdrawing the revaccination of tuberculosis in the Republic of Belarus, which has increased its morbidity rates. The specific features of immunity in adolescence are considered in relation to the risk of tuberculosis. The data on the specific features of the immune system in adolescents, the presence of a contingent of persons uninfected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis among them, as the negative experience of the Republic of Belarus in withdrawing BCG revaccination at the age of 14 years lead to the conclusion that its withdrawal at the age of 14 years may cause an increase in the incidence of active tuberculosis among adolescents. The increasing mycobacterial resistance to antituberculosis agents may result in fatal outcomes in this age group.

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About the authors

L. A Zazimko

Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera and Enterprise for Manufacturing Bacterial Preparations, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia


I. V Krasilnikov

Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera and Enterprise for Manufacturing Bacterial Preparations, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia


A. M Korolyuk

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University



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