The first cases of Borrelia miyamotoi disease in the Far East of Russia

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Objective. To verify Borrelia miyamotoi in Ixodes ticks and in the blood of patients and to describe cases. Materials and methods. In 2014-2015, the investigators studied 2381. persulcatus samples collected from vegetation; 253 I. persulcatus samples taken from patients; and 168 leukocyte fraction samples from patients after tick suction. Real-time PCR was performed using MultiPrime reagent kits for the amplification of cDNA fragments of tick-borne encephalitis virus, B. burgdorferi s.I, A. phagocytophilum, E. chaffeensis/E. muris-FL (Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Moscow), and B. miyamotoi («Vector-Best», Novosibirsk). The B. miyamotoi glpQ regions with a length of 680 bp were sequenced. Results. The typical symptoms of the disease caused by B. miyamotoi were detected in only two out of 21 verified patients (141. persulcatus specimens taken from the patients and 7 leukocyte fraction samples from the patients after tick suction). Sequencing of the glpQ gene and phylogenetic analysis showed genetic differences between B. miyamotoi and B. burgdorferi s.I. and a similarity with the pathogens of a relapsing fever Borrelia group. Conclusion. Among the tick-borne pathogens, not only B. burgdorferi s.l. causing Lyme disease, but also the new pathogen B. miyamotoi previously unknown in the Far East plays a great role.

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About the authors

Galina N. Leonova

G.P. Somov Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

MD, Principal Researcher

Evgeni I. Bondarenko

AO «Vector-Best»

Cand. Biol. Sci., Researcher

Viktoria A. Ivanis

Pacific State Medical University

MD, Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases

Sergei I. Belikov

Limnological Institute, Siberian Branchof the Russian Academy of Sciences

BD, Head of Laboratory

Viktoria A. Lubova

G.P. Somov Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

Junior Researcher


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