Changes in the epidemic situation of drug addiction and viral hepatitides in Moscow and the Russian Federation over time (1999-2017)

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Materials and methods. The incidence of hepatitis B (HB) and C (HC) and drug addiction was retrospectively analyzed among the population of Moscow and the Russian Federation according to the forms of federal and regional statistical monitoring. The findings were statistically processed. Results and discussion. The population of Moscow and the Russian Federation was found to tend to have a higher incidence of drug addiction; there was a sharp decrease in the newly detected cases of drug addiction. Among the drug addicts, adults prevailed, there was a male majority. In the Russian Federation, the structure of used drugs in patients diagnosed with drug addiction changed: the proportion of opioid-addicted people decreased 1.3-fold; that of multiple drug addicts increased from 5.1 to 26.1%; the proportion of psychostimulant abusers rose 1.2-fold. There was a similar pattern in newly diagnosed addicts. A strong direct correlation was established between the newly detected cases of drug addiction and the incidence of acute HB and HC in Moscow and the Russian Federation. Parenteral injection (intravenous drug use) and sexual intercourse in patients diagnosed with drug addiction remained the leading modes of transmission of HB and HC pathogens. The higher incidence of drug addiction is influenced by a surge in immigration in the Russian Federation and aggravation of the socioeconomic situation in the country. Conclusion. The effective fight against drug addiction in both Moscow and the whole country has a positive effect on the incidence of acute HB and HC and is inextricably linked to the major transmission routes of infection. Significant changes were found in the structure of used drugs: opium and multiple drug abuses are leading. Parenteral injection and sexual intercourse remain the leading routes of transmission of HB and HC pathogens. The unfavorable socioeconomic situation and the high level of migration substantially affect the increased incidence of drug addiction in the population of the Russian Federation.

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About the authors

Arpik A. Asratyan

Honored Academician N.F. Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Ministry of Health of Russia; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Ministry of Health of Russia


Dmitry V. Solovyev

Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the City of Moscow


Olga A. Smirnova

Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the City of Moscow


Uliya B. Novikova

Honored Academician N.F. Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Ministry of Health of Russia


Ekaterina V. Rusakova

Honored Academician N.F. Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Ministry of Health of Russia


Tatiana A. Semenenko

Honored Academician N.F. Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Ministry of Health of Russia; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Ministry of Health of Russia


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