Possible ways of developing the prevention of dental diseases among adult population with infectious diseases



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Objective. To identify the opportunities of implementing preventive dental programs in order to improve the organization of dental care for adults in an infectious diseases hospital. Materials and methods. The authors analyzed the legal framework and regulatory legal support of the prevention of dental diseases and for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the adult population of Russia, which involved 8 Federal Laws of the Russian Federation (RF), 2 Decrees by the RF President, 10 resolutions of the RF Government, 26 orders of the RF Ministry of Health, 4 orders of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, and 3 Federal Statistical Follow-Up forms. Results. The analysis of current legislative and regulatory legal documents governing the organization of medical care to adult patients treated in the infectious diseases units showed that the work of a dentist envisaged both therapeutic-and-diagnostic and prophylactic activities in an inpatient setting. Conclusion. Legislation defining the rights and obligations of healthcare facilities and workers in preventive activities allows the development and introduction of preventive dental programs in an infectious diseases hospital.




Anastasia Sorokina

Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: sorokinastassia@mail.ru

Fedor Losev

Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: losev@df.ru

Vladimir Vagner

Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: vagnerstar@yandex.ru


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