Analysis of the social and professional structure of the HIV-infected in a region with high HIV prevalence rates in case of the Tyumen Region

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Objective. To analyze the social and professional composition of HIV-infected people in the Tyumen Region in the period 1993 to 2018. Materials and methods. Descriptive, evaluative, epidemiological, and statistical studies were used. Results. The HIV-infected mainly included unemployed people over the age of 18 years (46.1%), working people (35.6%), and convicts (16.3%). Among the working people, laborers constituted a major proportion (20.6%) Over a long period of time, the lowest growth rate was registered in a group of the unemployed (9.6%); the highest one was in a group of pensioners (by 52.8%). Conclusion. The risk of HIV infection exists in any social and professional group. Noteworthy is the high rate of HIV spread among the working population and pensioners, who until a certain time were not a social group requiring a close attention from a sanitary and epidemiological service. The identif ication of HIV-infected people in all social and professional groups confirms an indisputable fact: there are no «atypical» groups for HIV.

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About the authors

Svetlana E. Kondratova

Branch «Hospital», Primary Healthcare Unit Seventy-Two, Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia


Aleksandr N. Marchenko

Tyumen State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia


Marina S. Egorova

Center for AIDS Prevention and Control



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