Prospective clinical and microbiological assessment of rehabilitation in frequently ill patients in a children’s sanatorium


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Objective. To evaluate the efficiency of rehabilitation in frequently ill children (FICs) aged 7-10 years in a sanatorium, by using the dietary supplement Bion ®3 Kid in the package of health promotion measures for the probiotic correction of the microflora. Subjects and methods. Clinical and laboratory data were analyzed in 78 FICs who were in the intermorbid period (beyond the episodes of acute respiratory infections) to be rehabilitated in a children’s sanatorium. In spite of that the children were considered apparently healthy, active complaints of increased fatigability, abdominal pains and headache, dry skin, etc. were revealed through questioning and examination. Results. Normal values in hemogram readings and serum iron, calcium, and zinc levels were detected according to laboratory findings. The microbiota exhibited dysbacteriosis in the oropharynx and intestine (89.7 and 94.9%, respectively), which was mainly caused by the low content of obligate microorganisms and the activation of the transient microflora. All the children were found to have impaired metabolic activity of the enteric microflora as structural imbalance and a preponderance of proteolytic anaerobes. The specific features of metabolic disturbances were identified in relation to the presence of a compromised family history in FICs. Conclusion. Incorporation of Bion ®3 Kid into the package of health promotion measures increases the clinical and laboratory indicators of the efficiency of rehabilitation in FICs and assists in reducing the incidence of recurrent diseases.

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Sobre autores

L. Feklisova

M.V. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute


E. Medvedeva

M.V. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute


L. Elezova

Central Clinical Sanatorium «Malakhovka», Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia


E. Rusanova

G.N. Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare


A. Zatevalov

G.N. Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare



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