Experience of epidemiological surveillance of ventilator-associated respiratory tract infections


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According to different researchers, the rate of nosocomial respiratory tract infections, the most common infectious complications in intensive care units, amounts to 9 to 65%. A weak epidemiological surveillance system, including the incompleteness of accounting and registration is one of the significant and important factors leading to the ineffective prevention of respiratory tract infections. Full-fledged epidemiological surveillance of ventilator-associated respiratory tract infections (VA RTI) requires the application of a package of measures, which includes prospective surveillance; effective microbiological monitoring for the pathogens of VA RTI; proper calculation of morbidity rates using stratified indicators; organizational and methodological support of epidemiological surveillance; joint work of different specialists (a clinician, an epidemiologist, a microbiologist). Using the developed package of measures, an attempt was made to optimize the epidemiological surveillance system of VA RTI, the results of which were a real reflection of the incidence of VA IDP registered since 2007, as well as a decrease in morbidity and mortality by 2016 by 4.5 and 3.8 times, respectively.

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Sobre autores

O. Orlova

City Clinical Hospital Sixty-Eight, Moscow Healthcare Department

Email: oksana_orlova@bk.ru
MD; Chief, Sanitary and Epidemiological Department, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Healthcare-Associated Infections, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being 3a, Novogireevskaya St., Moscow 111123, Russia

V. Akimkin

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being

Email: vgakimkin@yandex.ru
MD, Acad. of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of Epidemiology Moscow, Russia


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