Disinfectology as an important component of the antimicrobial defense system



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The paper gives proof to the expediency of a research development and to the effective performance of a comprehensive antimicrobial defense system including the protection of the environment from microbial contamination, the decontamination of its objects via their sterilization and disinfection, as well as chemoprophylaxis of diseases. It considers whether there is a needfor the science-based improvement of disinfection prevention in theoretical, material, methodical, and organizational respects, by applying the disinfection measures adequate to specific infections, on the basis of the types of pathogens and their vehicles, as well as the properties of these biological pathogens.




M. Shandala

Research Institute of Disinfectology, Russian Inspectorate for Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Email: info@niid.ru


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