A relationship between antibiotic resistance and biological properties of Enterococcus faecalis isolated from children with urinary tract infection



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Objective. To identify the phenotypic characteristics of biological properties of antibiotic-resistant clinically relevant E. faecalis. Materials and methods. E. faecalis cultures (n = 71) isolated from the urine samples of children with urinary tract infection were investigated during the study. The biological properties of enterococci were studied by classical microbiological techniques. The sensitivity of enterococci to antimicrobial agents was determined by the disc-diffusion method. The findings were statistically processed using the applied Statistica 10.0 software package. Results. The majority of the enterococcal cultures tested had polyantibiotic resistance. A relationship was established between the sensitivity of E. faecalis to antimicrobial agents and its biological properties. Uropathogenic enterococci that had proteolytic activity were resistant to many antibacterial drugs with different mechanisms of action. E. faecalis resistant to linezolid and chloramphenicol had a great pathogenic potential (gelatinase, lecithinase and lipolytic activities). Conclusions. E. faecalis isolated from the urine of children with urinary tract infection have polyantibiotic resistance and certain phenotypic manifestations of biological properties. The set of biological properties of E. faecalis, which has been established in the investigation, can serve as an in vitro diagnostic marker for its resistance to certain groups of antibacterial drugs.




Elena Zaitseva

Pacific State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: elza200707@mail.ru
MD, MD, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Central Research Laboratory

Elena Melnikova

Pacific State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia; Territorial Children's Clinical Hospital One

Email: melnikova.uro@yandex.ru
ssistant Lecturer, Department of Nursing and Social Work

Tatiana Komenkova

Pacific State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: atstl@mail.ru
Postgraduate Student

Valentina Luchaninova

I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medial University, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: lvaln@mail.ru
MD, Professor

Anatoly Turyansky

Pacific State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia; Primorye Territorial Clinical Hospital One

Email: vlanatoliil@mail.ru
Postgraduate Student; Urologist


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