A surgeon's tactics in the diagnosis of fractures in HIV-infected patients. A clinical case of clavicular tuberculous lesion with pathological fracture



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The paper presents a clinical case of clavicular tuberculous fracture in an HIV-infected patient and describes the tactics of his surgical treatment. When extrapulmonary tuberculosis is suspected, the diagnostic algorithm is proposed to include lung radiation examination; when changes are detected, this should involve wound (if any) sputum and discharge analysis for MBT and morphological verification of the affected tissues. The febrile HIV-infected patient should undergo chest multislice computed tomography (MSCT) to identify miliary tuberculosis that is rarely recorded on conventional radiography.




Andrei Malashenko

Primary Healthcare Unit Forty-Two, Russian Federal Penitentiary Service, Branch, Hospital One

Email: malashenko_aa@mail.ru
Cand. Med. Sci., Head, Unit of Surgery, Branch, Hospital One Kemerovo

Konstantin Krasnov

M.A. Podgorbunsky Kuzbass Clinical Emergency Hospital; Kemerovo State Medical University

Email: krasnov8k@rambler.ru
Cand. Med. Sci., Deputy Head Physician for Surgery and Transplantology Care; Associate Professor, Department of Inpatient Surgery Kemerovo

Oleg Krasnov

Kemerovo State Medical University; Polyclinic One, I.A. Kolpinsky Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center

Email: xo1@mail.ru
MD, Professor, Department of General, Intermediate-Level Surgery, and Urology Kemerovo


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