



Thick leaf extract of leaf Grossularia reclinata (L.) and thick leaf extract of Morus rubra L. in 200 mg/kg dose via intragastric administration route are used as objects of the study in this work. Physical and psycho-emotional load were simulated by a long forced daily swim with a load of 15% of the weight of each animal to complete exhaustion and denial of the struggle for life, after which the animals were removed from the water. Swimming lasted for 10 days. The duration of swimming was recorded. To determine the psycho-emotional stability before the start of the experiment and the next day after it the "open field" and "elevated plus maze"tests were carried out. Oral treatment of mice with extracts of Grossularia Reclinata (L.) and Grossularia Reclinata (L.) leaves increased physical endurance of animals and saved their cognitive abilities, and psycho-emotional stability in conditions of experimental overload. Keywords: Grossularia reclinata (L.), Morus rubra L., stamina, psychoemotional stability. The modern man’s activity is often carried out in conditions of adverse ecological and professional factors, combined character of which leads to mutual burdening of their effects on the organism. The state of the yield stress of adaptation mechanisms that occurs under these conditions can cause rapid depletion of human physiological reserves with the subsequent development of exclusion phenomena. The risk of development of extreme and critical conditions is particularly high for people having dangerous professions like the participants of military conflicts, marines, cosmonauts, sub-mariners, divers, liquidators of consequences of accidents and disasters. Today, we have drugs both of natural and herbal origin, enhancing performance and psycho-emotional stability, but they are not enough, as the range of side effects is still high. It should be noted that the advantage of herbal medicines for the correction of pathological conditions is a wide range of pharmaceuticals, low toxicity in their long-term use. [5] Thus, the development of safe and effective plant-based remedies for the improvement of physical health and psycho-emotional stability is an important task of the pharmaceutical science. The objective of this work is to study the effects of Grossularia reclinata (L.) and Morus rubra L. leaf extracts on physical performance and psycho-emotional stability of mice in conditions of the experimental overload. In the experiment 25-30 g male mice were used. Animals were randomized according to the swimming time and locomotor activity in the "open field" test and then divided into three groups of 10 mice each. The first group is a control one. Animals in this group were administered distilled water. The second and the third group of mice were given the studied leaf deflected Grossularia reclinata (L.) and Morus rubra L. leaf extracts in a dose of 200 mg / kg. Extracts and distilled water were administered intragastrically in a volume equivalent to 60 minutes of forced swimming daily throughout the experiment. Maladjustment experimental model was based on a 10-day forced daily swim [4, 2] with a load of 15% of the weight of each animal to complete exhaustion and denial of the struggle for life, after which the animals were removed from the water. The duration of swimming was recorded. Before swimming and the next day after the completion of a 10-day swimming "open field" and "elevated plus maze" tests were carried out [1, 6]. Disruption of adaptive mechanisms was determined according to the reduction of locomotor, research and psycho-emotional activity and the preservation of these indicators were considered as possible preservation of physical health and mental sta-bility. The results were processed by the method of variative statistics. Intergroup differences were analyzed by parametric and non-parametric methods, depending on the type of distribution. As a parametric criterion, Student t-test was used. As a nonparametric criterion - U-Mann-Whitney test was used. Differences were determined at P <0.05 significance level. For the statistical analysis of the results, a software package «Stat Plus 2009» was used. In the control group of mice (without pharmacological correction) the time of swim-ming was decreased authentically by 25,28% regarding the initial data. This corresponds to the earlier received results [2, 3, 4]. In the group of mice treated with the Grossularia reclinata (L.) leaf extract the time of swimming was increased authentically by 222,81% regarding the initial data and was also higher than the same values of the control group on 342,00%. In the group of mice treated with the Morus rubra L. leaf extract this figure was increased authentically by 96,52% regarding the initial data, besides it was higher than the values of the control group - 186,48% (fig 1). The obtained results may indicate the ability of the studied extracts to prevent physical exhaustion and capacity for work decrease against the background of pro-longed physical activities [1]. In the "open field" test the animals of the control group showed the decrease of the motor (by 25,22%) and research activity regarding the initial data (the number of looking-in by 77,46%, the number of posts by 52,11%). In this very group of mice the psycho-emotional tension was increased; this can be judged by the decrease of time spent in the central squares by 69,58%, whereas the changing of grooming be-havior rates and the numbers of boluses was not observed. In the group of mice treated with the Grossularia reclinata (L.) leaf extract in the "open field" test there was no changing of the behavioral reaction regarding the initial data, whereas in the group of mice treated with the Morus rubra L. leaf extract the locomotor activity was increased by 65,22%. It’s worth noting at the same time that there was no changing of “grooming behavior” and “the number of boluses” rates in both groupsof animals treated with the gooseberry leaf and Morus rubra L. leaf extracts. This may indicate the preservation of psycho-emotional status in experimental overload conditions (fig. 2, 3). In the "elevated plus maze" test in the control group of mice in comparison with the original data significantly increased the time spent in closed sleeves 15,82%, while the time spent in the Central square significantly de-creased by 75,73% , and the mice did not enter the open arms. It is worth noting that in this same group of animals in comparison with the results of the first test exploratory activity (number of columns) significantly decreased on 60,53%, and locomotor activity (number of transfers) 56,66%. This may indicate the inhibi-tion of brain cognitive functions and improving psycho-emotional stress after the transferred loads and is consistent with previously obtained data [2]. In the group of mice that received the Grossularia Reclinata (L.) leaf extracts, there were no significant differences between the original values and data obtained at the end of the experiment. This correlates with the results obtained in the "open field" test and may indi-cate that the injection of Grossularia reclinata (L.) leaf extracts preserves stable emotional status on the background of experimental overload. In the group of mice treated with Morus rubra L. leaf extract, compared with the first test, significantly increased research (number of columns) 236,00% and locomotor activity (number of transfers ) on 152,38%. This can be interpreted as the ability of Morus Rubra L. leaf extract while maintaining the psycho-emotional stability to increase locomotor and movement activity of experimental animals on the background of the overload, which is consistent with the results obtained in this group of animals in the test "open field" (tab. 1). Conclusions: 1. Experimental model in used mode leads to reduced physical performance on 25,28%, the oppression of psycho-emotional status of mice consists in increasing the level of anxiety 69.5%. 2. The mice injected with the Grossularia reclinata (L.) leaf extract greatly increases physical endurance 222,81% and saves motor activity and psycho-emotional status under experimental conditions of overload. 3. The introduction of Morus rubra L. leaf extract improves physical stamina on 186,48%, physical activity at 65.22 per cent while maintaining the psycho-emotional stability of experimental mice after myocardial overload.


A. Voronkov

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of Volgograd State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health


Je. Oganesjan

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of Volgograd State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health


O. Andreeva

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of Volgograd State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health


I. D’jakova

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of Volgograd State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health


A. Sergeev

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of Volgograd State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health


S. Adzhiahmetova

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of Volgograd State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health


I. Harchenko

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of Volgograd State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health



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版权所有 © Voronkov A.V., Oganesjan J.T., Andreeva O.A., D’jakova I.N., Sergeev A.S., Adzhiahmetova S.L., Harchenko I.I., 2015

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