


The article covers the results of the study for micromorphological signs of leaf, stem, petiole of Chamenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop., from Onagraceae family, which grows in the Northern Caucasus, necessary to establish raw materials authenticity.


Research for prospective resource of species growing in the North Caucasus, is one of the urgent problems of modern pharmacy. This investigation is a part of a complex research for prospective flora resources in the North Caucasus. Plant drugs of vegetable origin attract the attention of many researchers [2]. The interest in representatives of Chamenerion genus is conditioned by the fact that young leaves and rhizomes of willow-herb contains from 10 to 20% of tannins, lectins, vitamin C, sugars, organic acids, pectins, alkaloids. This species belongs to a bee plant, as well as closely related species, which as well grows in the Caucasus, Caucasus willow-herb, which grows mainly in rocky talus zone [6, 7]. Chamerion angustifolium accumulates vitamin C and tannins [8]. A quite high concentration of iron, copper and manganese should be mentioned among the trace elements found in the plant. 100 g of green mass of willow-herb contains 23 mg of iron, 1.3 mg of nickel, manganese 16 mg, 1.3 mg of titanium, molybdenum, 0.44 mg, and 6 mg of boron. The aboveground plant parts have 20% protein, phosphorus, calcium, cobalt. Furthermore, we detected potassium, calcium, lithium, and others elements. The roots tannin concentration can reach up to 20 mg% (in its leaves about 10 mg/%). Infusions and decoctions from the leaves of willow-herb have strong anti-inflammatory and shielding properties due to tannins and slime (polysaccharides). It has the highest rate of anti-inflammatory action among the studied native flora plants. In early 1970s, a group of Russian specialists from the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Cancer Center obtained hanerol drug. Blossoms of willow-herb, collected in the flowering phase served as raw materials for its production. It was found that the willow-herb has a pronounced cytotoxic and hemagglutinating activity, which was confirmed by experimental studies. Hanerol has an antitumor effect [8]. In folk medicine the plant is used in gonorrhea, syphilis treatment, leaves and flowering aerial parts are used as a wound-healing agent, in otitis, angina, gastric ulcers, migraines treatment, and as a sedative. A decoction of the leaves herbalists prescribed for scrofula, stomach disorders treatment, and as a sleep aid. Healers used willow-herb in the treatment of epilepsy, alcoholic psychoses, anemia as an emollient and diaphoretic for colds, as well as in the treatment of various types of malignant tumors. It has a calming effect on the central nervous system. According to its sedative properties, it is slightly inferior to valerian drug, but it has other properties that have no valerian. Ivan-tea is able to change the conditioned reflex activity of a human, and therefore it is very effective in the neuroses treatment. Chamerion angustifolium (Chamenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop.) belongs to the Chamaenerion genus, Onagraceae family, Myrtales order. It is a perennial long-rhizome herbaceous plant 50-150 (200) cm. Rhizome thick, creeping, vertical and horizontal roots develop numerous additional buds. Stem erect, rounded, simple, naked, densely leafy. Leaves alternate, sessile, sometimes with very short petioles, the simple shape of the leaf blade lanceolate, narrowed to the base of a wedge on the edge serrated or entire. Inflorescences botrioid. Flowers with a double perianth, bisexual, collected in a rare apical brush 10-45 cm long, pale pink, rarely white. Nectarine ring is disposed around the column. Corolla 2-3 cm in diameter [6]. Chamenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. - Geofit, hamefit, holarctic element, grows in deciduous forests in the subalpine zone up to 2600 m above sea level [7, 9]. Chamerion angustifolium refers to low shrub eco-phytocenotic group [8]. It grows in the mountain forests, tall grass meadows, forest edges, and subalpine meadows. It occurs in the forest zone and meadow-steppe zone, river valleys, as well as moraines, are a typical habitat for willow-herb moreover, found in the field of fires [7]. In the Caucasus Mineral Waters area this species grows in Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Bekeshevka. [9]. The plant material was fixed in the system: ethyl alcohol 70% - glycerol - water in a ratio of 1:1:1. Cross sections of the stem, the leaf blade and petiole was carried out using the blade, staining was performed following histochemical reagents - phloroglucinol solution of sulfuric acid and 50% for the detection lignified elements Lugol reagent to detect the localization of starch grains. These slides are examined using BIOMED-2 microscope with Digital Camera Electronic Eyepiece MD300 (3.1 megapixels). Leaf blade has a dorsoventral type. The mesophyll is situated under the upper epidermis. In the area of the main vein collenchyme is located under the epidermis leaf in 1-2 layers. The conductive system is represented by a large dorsal vascular bundle collateral type crescent- shaped. xylem is oriented to the ventral part. The presence of parenchymal vascular bundle sheath is specified. Sclerenchyma not developed. Petiole on cross-section has a horseshoe- shaped form. Under the epidermis collenchyme is situated by 2 layers. The conductive system is represented by a large beam of collateral bundle. Sclerenchyme fibers are situates by the phloem of the beam adjacent area. A cross section of the stem is pentagonal. Collenchyme is located under the epidermis and the angle plate type, mostly concentrated in the area of the projections. Pericyclic sclerenchyme fibers form separate portions arranged above the conductive beams. Beam type conductive system. It composed of xylem parenchymal and vascular elements. Phloem consists of sieve tubes and cell companions. The central core is parenchyme. The epidermis of the leaf blade The leaf is hypostomatic since stomatal apparatesarelocatedonlyinthelowerepidermis. Anomocytic type stomatal apparatus. No trichomes. Form of the main upper epidermis cells is multi-faceted, and the shape of the bottom of the main cells of the epidermis is slightly wavy. A cross section of rhizome is cylindrical The covering tissue is represented by a phellem. The parenchyme of the cortex consists of living thin-walled parenchyma cells. Among them are arranged-idioblast cells containing calcium oxalate druses. Beam type conductive system. xylem takes the bulk of the cross- section. xylem consists of large vessels and lignifying parechyme. The central part is cut core parenchyme. Cross section of root The root has a secondary structure. The periderme is presented by phellem with pericyclic parenchyme under. Phloem consists of small sieve elements. xylem is differentiated into primary and secondary. Primary xylem forms 3 beams (triarch type). The studies can be further used to create the normative documentation on medicinal herbs.


F. Serebryanaya

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of Volgograd State Medical University

Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation

I. Posevin

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of Volgograd State Medical University

Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation


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