An Analysis of the Efficiency of Using a Planetary Vibrodrive with Kinematically Unbalanced Masses in a Vibratory Apparatus for Mixing Liquid Media



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The purpose of the research is to analyze the efficiency of using a planetary vibrodrive (vibratory drive) with kinematically unbalanced masses in a vibratory apparatus for mixing liquid media. The article gives a theoretical justification of the effectiveness of supplementing the configuration of a vibrodrive with an additional inertia block and presents the results of computer simulation of the oscillatory processes arising in the system, which reflect the predominant features of the proposed design solution. The use of a planetary vibrodrive with kinematically unbalanced masses allows one to create high-frequency controlled circular oscillations of the working body. At the same time, the inclusion of an additional rotatable body into the system increases the range of controlling the oscillation parameters of the working body and enables to regulate independently the oscillation amplitude and frequency. The independence of the vibration parameter control allows one to ensure a uniform distribution of the velocities of the stirred liquid motion to obtain a homogeneous dispersion medium. The proposed design solution increases the efficiency of the ongoing vibromechanical processes and adds a supplementary cavitation factor of influence on the liquid medium. Hydrodynamic cavitation, which is created due to the liquid pulsation when the slots on the rotating elements of the vibrodrive are closed, eliminates the presence of stagnant zones in the mixed medium. Due to the use of a planetary vibrodrive with a rotating support body in a vibratory apparatus for mixing liquid media, the technological process of obtaining medium and highly dispersed emulsions is intensified at minor changes in the design of the apparatus. The improved technological capabilities of the process of mixing liquid mixtures allow one to mix substances with different properties of the dispersion phase. In this case, dispersion phases can be both liquid and solid, which are crushed and mixed in a dispersion liquid medium. Conclusion. The use of a planetary vibrodrive with kinematically unbalanced masses in a vibratory apparatus for mixing liquid media increases the efficiency of the technological process and simultaneously increases the quality indicators of the resulting emulsions and suspensions.




Rodion Zakirov

South Ural State University

Cand. Sci. (Eng.); associate professor at the Department of Engineering, Technology and Construction Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

Vladimir Nekrutov

South Ural State University

Cand. Sci. (Eng.); associate professor at the Department of Engineering, Technology and Construction Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation


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