From the Kalmuck Steppes to Heinrich Heine

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The paper offers a survey of the Kalmuck and Mongol typography developed in St. Petersburg under supervision of Isaak Jakob Schmidt, Europe’s first expert on Kalmuck and translator of the Bible into this language. This work was practically, executed by Friedrich Gass, a designer, in St. Petersburg, probably advised by the engineer, Orientalist and printing expert Schilling von Canstadt. The actual printing was arranged by Nikolaj Grech, printer, bookseller, author, whose biography was translated by Maximilian Heine, brother of the poet Heinrich Heine. Two anonymous booklets on life in St. Petersburg were identified as M. Heine’s work by means of a dedication which led to Therese Heine — a cousin of the Heine brothers, to whom Heinrich addressed his probably best known love poem “You are like a flower”.

About the authors

Hartmut Walravens

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Free University of Berlin

Author for correspondence.

Dr. habil. 

Germany, Berlin


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Title-page of I.J. Schmidt’s Kalmuck tract, printed in 1815.

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3. Title-page of I.J. Schmidt’s Mongol tract, translated from the Kalmuck and printed in 1818.

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4. Sample printing, first page, of the pentaglot dictionary of P. Kamenskij. Around 1817. (Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.)

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5. Autograph of the author on the fly-leaf of: Briefe aus St. Petersburg. 1839 (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)

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6. Maximilian Heine in Russian uniform. From: Heine-Reliquien. Hrsg. von Maximilian von Heine-Geldern und Gustav Karpeles. Berlin: Curtius 1911, 152.

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