Five Years of the Serindica Laboratory in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS: Results and Prospects



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The article presents a review of the main results achieved in the first five years by the Serindica Laboratory at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The author points out that initial planning of the Laboratory’s work made it possible to implement a cross-regional approach to the study of Central Asian manuscripts. This article also examines the prospects for further research to be conducted by members of the Laboratory.

Об авторах

Safarali Shomakhmadov

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, Moscow

Список литературы

  1. MESHEZNIKOV, Artiom & SHOMAKHMADOV, Safarali 2020: “The Updated Data on Sanskrit Manuscripts of the Serindia Collection (IOM, RAS): Perspectives of the Study. Written Monuments of the Orient 2(12): 22–42.
  2. SHOMAKHMADOV, Safarali 2014: “Otkrytyi teoreticheskii seminar sektora Yuzhnoi Azii Otdela Tsentral’noi i Yuzhnoi Azii IVR RAN. Pervoe zasedanie: doklad M.I. Vorobiovoi-Desiatovskoi «Buddiiskie rukoposi iz kollektsii M. Skoena (Martin Schøyen)» (Sankt-Peterburg, 16 aprelia 2014 g.)” [The Open Theoretical Seminar of the South Asian Studies Group of the Department of South and Central Asian Studies of the IOM, RAS. The First session: the report of M.I. Vorobiova-Desiatovskaia «The Buddhist Manuscripts of the M. Schøyen Collection» (St. Petersburg, April 16, 2014)]. Pis’menniie pamiatniki Vostoka 20(1): 260–261.
  3. TURANSKAIA, Anna 2020: “Pervaia mezhdunarodnaia nauchnaia konferentsiia «Vostochnaia rukopisnaia kniga: voprosi kodikologii i restavratsii» [The First International Academic Conference «An Oriental Manuscript Book: Codicology and Conservation Issues»]”. Pis’menniie pamiatniki Vostoka 40(1): 135–139.
  4. SHOMAKHMADOV, Safarali 2022: “Pervaia Vserossiiskaia nauchnaia konferentsiia «Rukopisnoe nasledie Vostoka» (Sankt-Peterburg, 20–22 aprelia 2022 g.)” [The First All-Russian Academic Conference «The Written Heritage of the Orient» (St. Petersburg, April 20–22, 2022)]. Pis’menniie pamiatniki Vostoka 50(3): 116–123.
  5. SHOMAKHMADOV, Safarali 2023: “Vtoraia mezhdunarodnaia nauchnaia konferentsiia «Rukopisnoe nasledie Vostoka», posviaschennaia 160-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia P.K. Kozlova (1863–1935) (Sankt-Peterburg, 10–11 aprelia 2023 g.)” [The Second International Academic Conference «The Written Heritage of the Orient» dedicated to the 160th Anniversary of P.K. Kozlov (1863–1935) (St. Petersburg, April 10–11, 2023)]. Pis’menniie pamiatniki Vostoka 54(3): 137–145.

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