Том 5, № 1 (2019)


Original Papers

Notes on a Manichaean Turkic Prayer Cycle

Zieme P.


In this paper a recently identified new Manichaean-Turkic fragment (SI6621) from Toyok Mazar is analyzed and edited. This manuscript written on the verso side of a Chinese Buddhist scroll belongs to the Serindia Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (IOM) of the Russian Academy. It is compared with other fragments of several manuscripts published earlier. On the basis of the new evidence, reading and translation can be improved.

Written Monuments of the Orient. 2019;5(1):3-11
pages 3-11 views

Brāhmī glosses of the Uyghur blockprint of Sitātapatrā dhāranī kept in the IOM, RAS

Lundysheva O., Turanskaya A.


This paper deals with the fragment of one of the blockprint Sitātapatrā editions that belongs to the Serindia Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg. The authors focuse on Brāhmī parts included into the Uyghur text. Some observations on the correlation of Uygur script signs and akśaras in Brāhmī are made. The Chart of akśaras found in the blockprint is attached.

Written Monuments of the Orient. 2019;5(1):12-23
pages 12-23 views

On the Fragment of the Naran-u Gerel Catalogue Preserved in IOM, RAS

Alekseev K., Yampolskaya N.


Until recently the manuscript entitled Naran-u Gerel in the collection of St. Petersburg State University was considered to be the only extant catalogue of the 17th c. recension of the Mongolian Kanjur. The article presents a fragment of the Kanjur catalogue discovered among the manuscript fragments from Dzungaria preserved in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences. Its textual similarity to the Naran-u Gerel and structural proximity to the manuscript copies of the Mongolian Kanjur indicate that having been reflected in more than one catalogue the repertoire and structure of the 17th c. recension were not that random as it was previously represented in Mongolian studies.

Written Monuments of the Orient. 2019;5(1):37-49
pages 37-49 views

The Development of Sibe Ethnic Awareness: With Special Consideration of the Sibe People of the Ili River Basin

Zhuangsheng C.


In the sixteenth century, the Sibe people emerged as a unique ethnic group, and they remained a unique ethnic group after their migration to the Ili River basin. In the Republic of China, a time when many ethnic systems were created, the Sibe gained official recognition for being an independent ethnic group. Although the creation of a written script is an act of ethnic construction, the Sibe written language could never break free of its close relation to the Manchu written language. The construction of ethnic groups and the creation of written scripts stimulated vigorous development of ethnic histories compiled by the Sibe scholars, and it is their textual research of ethnic origin that best illustrates the birth of this new ethnic group.

Written Monuments of the Orient. 2019;5(1):50-76
pages 50-76 views

Two Mongolian Official Documents Dated by the 19th c.

Popov A.


The article presents transliteration and commented translation of two official letters written by Mongolian administrative functionaries in the first third of the 19th c. Both were brought from Mongolia by A.M. Pozdneev. In 1898, handwritten copies were published by G.Dz. Tsibikov in the collection of materials, as a training manual for practical course in Mongolian language. The above mentioned letters still have not been subjected to any kind of scientific analysis. However, these documents represent typical examples of Mongolian official correspondence dated to the 19th c. Moreover they are abandoned of little-known facts about relationship between the authorities of the North Mongolian banners (khoshuns) and administrative structures, constituted personal subjects assigned to the Treasury of Jibzundamba Khutugtu (the Shabi).

Written Monuments of the Orient. 2019;5(1):77-93
pages 77-93 views


The State Hermitage Museum (ed.): Brush and Qalam: 200 years of the collection of the Institute of Oriental manuscripts. Exhibition catalogue. St. Petersburg: The State Hermitage Publishers, 2018. 320 S. ISBN ISBN 978-5-93572-824-3* More

Raschmann S.


More than 115.000 manuscripts and old prints in 65 different, living and dead, languages belong today to the collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (Russian Academy of Sciences) in St. Petersburg.

Written Monuments of the Orient. 2019;5(1):94-98
pages 94-98 views

S.L. Burmistrov. Rukopisi shkoly Vedanta v sobraniiakh Instituta vostochnykh rukopisei RAN: annotirovannyi katalog [Manuscripts of Vedānta School in the collections of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of RAS: annotated catalogue] — Moscow: Nauka–Vostochnaia Literatura, 2018. — 479 pp. (Pismenniie pamiatniki Vostoka. CLII). — ISBN 978-5-02-039832-0

Shomakhmadov S.


Sergey Burmistrov’s monograph “Manuscripts of the Vedānta School in the collections of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences: An Annotated Catalog” is the result of three years research conducted by S. Burmistrov in the IOM, RAS.

Written Monuments of the Orient. 2019;5(1):99-102
pages 99-102 views

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