An Analysis of Manhan huangyu shanhe diming kao 滿漢皇輿山河地名考 — A Bilingual Manchu and Chinese Study of Mountain and River Toponyms of the Imperial Territories





Manhan huangyu shanhe diming kao 滿漢皇輿⼭山河地名考 “A Study of Mountain and River Toponyms of the Imperial Territories” is a Manchu and Chinese bilingual manuscript on geography in the collection of the National Library of China. It is a collection of toponyms covering the northeastern territory of the Qing and includes a brief description of the military achievements before the Manchu conquest of the central plains. In this paper I argue that this text is closely related to the Shengjing Jilin Heilongjiang deng chu biaozhu zhanji yutu 盛京吉林黑龍江等處標注戰跡輿圖 “Map of Military Deeds in Shengjing, Jilin, Heilongjiang,” and that its dating on the title page to the Qianlong gengchen nian 乾隆庚辰年 “white dragon year of Qianlong (1760)” is not actually the date of this manuscript’s composition. The phrase of huangyu (the imperial territories) refers in the context of this work to the territory of the Qing before 1644.


Gu Songjie

The Academy for research on Chinese ethnic minority languages, Minzu University of China.



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