Some Сomments on Usage of Analytical form -p bar- in the Old Uyghur Language





This article examines the use of the analytical form -p bar- as a means to express aspectual meanings and the conditions for its use. In the Old Uyghur language, which is considered one of the early stages of development of Turkic languages, morphological means are used to clarify the nature of actions. One of these means is the analytical form -p bar-. In studies on the Old Turkic and Old Uyghur languages, the use of the analytical form -p bar- to express the aspectual meaning of punctual action has not been previously noted. From this point of view, functional characteristics of this form’s use are investigated in the study. Analyzed examples serve as evidence that the Old Uyghur language had grammar means of expressing the aspectual meaning of punctual action.


Kamilla Alieva

St. Petersburg State University; Pushkin Leningrad State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2052-6291

Lecturer of the Department of Turkic Philology; Lecturer of the Department of Linguistics and Interpreting

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg


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