New challenges of the modern labor market: senior employees vs pensioners



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The study considers the category of "senior employees" as an institution of the modern labor market. This term is opposed by the authors to the term "pensioners". The opposition reflects not only different facets of the analysis of the older citizens' place in society and the economy, but also the orientation of macroeconomic policy towards them: social policy for pensioners and economic policy for senior employees. The study characterizes the specifics of the senior employees' position in modern Russia and reveals the influence of institutional ageism, the level of education, and the national healthcare system. The authors focus on the problem of institutional age discrimination that prevails in our country and the damage it causes to the economy. The actual predominance of social policy over economic policy writes off a considerable part of Russia's labor potential as a "passive" one.The internal and external reasons for the continuation of the senior employees' labor activity are shown. Creating a favorable atmosphere in the company for senior employees is the most important of factor.Positive conditions for hiring senior employees are revealed. The authors give recommendations on how to overcome institutional ageism in Russia and how senior employees can successfully integrate into the modern economy.

Sobre autores

Pavel Lukichyov

Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH» named after D.F. Ustinov


Oleg Chekmarev

Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University


Pavel Konev

Luzhsky Institute (branch) of the Pushkin Leningrad State University



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