Managing the development of the occupational safety and health system in the modern economy on the basis of homeostatic modeling



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The necessity of forming and developing the theoretical and methodological foundations of occupational safety and health research in the conditions of the modern economy determine the relevance of this article. The author suggests one of the ways to solve the scientific problem, which consists in the discrepancy between the overall effectiveness of the occupational safety and health system to the new socio-economic objectives established by the state policy in occupational safety and health.The author's approach to the managing the development of the occupational safety and health system based on the application of homeostatic methodology is proposed. The study of the contradictions between the elements of the occupational safety and health system has been carried out. This made it possible to determine possible directions for the implementation of external managerial influences.The obtained research results can serve as a basis for further scientific, theoretical and applied developments in occupational safety and health management in the modern economy. The research results can find their application in the practical activities of public authorities in the development of a set of measures to improve the effectiveness of ongoing occupational safety and health measures.

Sobre autores

Nadezhda Samarskaya

All-Russian Research Institute of Labour of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation – Ural Interregional branch



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