Employee innovative behavior: competence approach




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The article is devoted to the study of the problem of low innovation activity of employees in Russian organizations, which is relevant for the domestic economy throughout the post-reform period. It is indicated that digitalization currently acts as a catalyst for transformations in all sectors of the economy, which increases the correlation between the innovative activity of organizations and their competitiveness. Economic entities of different levels and forms of ownership react differently to the challenges of digital reality, making attempts to find the most effective mechanisms of adaptation to changing conditions. The purpose of the study was to develop a logical model of employee innovative behavior based on a competence-based approach. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were the works of domestic and foreign scientists dealing with the problems of innovative development and labor motivation. The research tools included the following general scientific and private methods: historical-logical, system and functional analysis, empirical research and generalizations, and modeling. As a result, it is proved that it is advisable to increase the competitiveness of Russian organizations by activating their innovative activities through the development and implementation of effective tools for the formation of employee innovative behavior. The authors suggest a system of measures to solve the problem of the shortage of highly qualified personnel at the macro and micro levels and develop a logical model for the formation of innovative behavior in the conditions of digital transformations of the socio-economic environment. The proposed model is focused on innovative competencies through the integration of staff training and motivation systems. It takes into account the factors of the organizational environment.


Ekaterina Dashkova

Voronezh State University

Email: dashkova-82@mail.ru

Natalya Dorokhova

Voronezh State University

Email: nv_dorohova@mail.ru

Anna Fedchenko

The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Email: faa1711@yandex.ru

Larisa Buntovskaya

Donetsk State University of Management

Email: l.buntovskaya@mail.ru

Nailya Baltacheeva

Donetsk State University of Management

Email: n.baltacheeva@mail.ru


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版权所有 © Dashkova E.S., Dorokhova N.V., Fedchenko A.A., Buntovskaya L.L., Baltacheeva N.A., 2023
