The results of the All-Russian Observational Program for the Study of Rengalin in Outpatient Management of Cough (REAL)

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Aim of the research work. A cough is one of the most discomforting symptoms in patients with acute respiratory infections. The management of a cough requires constant improvement of therapeutic approaches and selection of drugs with optimal efficacy and safety balance and their combinations that can be used in everyday clinical practice. The All-Russian Non-Interventional Observational Program for the Study of Rengalin in the Outpatient Management of Cough (REAL) was conducted to investigate the outpatient practice of cough management with the use of the combined release-active preparations Rengalin. Material and methods. The program comprised 34 920 patients. The study population was represented by children (47,4%) and adults (43,6%) (9,0% of patients had no age recorded) diagnosed with acute respiratory infection accompanied by a cough for no more than three days before presenting to medical attention. The patients received Rengalin either as monotherapy or as a part of complex therapy with regimens and treatment duration determined by the attending physician. Results. Both children and adults showed a reduction in the severity of a cough and improvement in auscultation findings on average within 3 ± 1 day of treatment. A dry cough turned into a wet cough by the 4th day of treatment regardless of patients' age; dry or wet cough became residual on the 6th day of treatment. In 64.8% of adult patients and 31.3% of children, dry cough resolved or turned into a residual cough bypassing the phase of a productive cough. The program showed a low incidence of any adverse events in patients taking Rengalin (0,3%). The findings of our study suggest that the combined Rengalin preparation could be used in outpatient settings by both internists and pediatricians in the management of a cough associated with acute respiratory infections.

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About the authors

Natalya A. Geppe

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

MD, professor, Head of the Pediatric Department

Andrei A. Spasskii

N.I. Pirogov RNRMU

MD, Professor at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Medical Faculty; Physician of the Highest Qualification Category, Laureate of the Moscow City Hall Award, Secretary General of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internists (RSMSI).


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