Possibility ofhigh-selective adrenoblockers use in combined therapy of patients with metabolic syndrome

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Metabolic syndrome (MS) is widespread in the population, occuring in 10-24% of cases. Combination of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders increases the risk of mortality from cardiovascular complications. Endothelial dysfunction together with hypersympathicotonia plays an imprtant role in pathophysiology of vascular diseases, arterial hypertension and cardiac insufficiency. Taking into account the important role of increased activity of sympathetiic nervous system in the development of cardiovascular diseases in case of MS, the question of possible use of ß-adrenoblockers, primarily having vasodilating effect and having influence at endothelial function is actual for treatment of the certain category of patients. Nebivolol is a ß-adrenoblocker with most high selectivity to ß1-adrenergic receptors and causes the dilatation by increasing of nitrogen oxide production. Double mechanism of action is basing on the row of haemodynamic effects of nebivolol including heart rate and arterial pressure decrease, improve of systolic and diastolic left ventricle myocardium function. High clinical significance are having the identified advantages of nebivolol concerning metabolic profile: decrease of blood lipid level, increase of insuline sensitivity and abscence of new cases of diabetes melitus development. These advantages take place also in case of its use in MS patients. Nebivolol gives antihypertensive effect which could be compared with the same of other groups of medicaments and ß-adrenoblockers, but at the same time it has a row of advantages in treatment of arterial hypertension in patients with diabetes melitus, adiposity and in elderly people in whom endothelial dysfunction is more expressed.

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About the authors

Svetlana N. Tolpygina

Federal State Budgetary Institution «National medical research centre of preventive medicine» of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

Email: stolpygina@gnicpm.ru
MD, leading research worker of preventive pharmacotherapy Department


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