Use of structural-modifying medicaments for lumbal pain patients

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Lumbal pain syndrome caused by degenerative vertebral column pathology is one of the most often reasons for applying for both outpatient and inpatient care; also it is one of the most common temporary disability reason. One of the basic ground for lumbal pain syndrome occuring is osteoartritis, damaging mainly the small joints of vertebral column. Modern possibilities of treatment lumbal pain patients by means of slow-acting medicaments' use (SYSADOA) for symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis are considered. Data concerning the efficacy of medicine Artra use for lumbal pain patients are also considered.

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About the authors

Pavel R. Kamchyatnov

N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university of the Ministry of Health of Russia

MD., professor of the Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics of general medicine department

Alexandr V. Chugunov

N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Ph.D., professor of the Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics of general medicine department

Saida B. Khanmurzaeva

Dagestan state medical university of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Ph.D. аssistant of the Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics of general medicine department

Naida B. Khanmurzaeva

Dagestan state medical university of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Ph.D., аssistant of the Department of pharmacology


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