Evaluation of the effectiveness of Alflutop in the targeted therapy of dorsopathies of the lumbosacral localization in patients with post-COVID syndrome (observational study ALCOR)


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Despite the fact that the number of new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection has significantly decreased recently, the clinical manifestations of the consequences of the infection and, above all, the pain syndrome, remain an urgent problem for practitioners. The purpose of an open observational study was to analyze the efficacy and tolerability of Alflutop in the treatment of dorsopathies of the lumbosacral localization (DLL) in patients with post-COVID syndrome (PCS). Material and methods. The study included 75 patients with DLL and PCS who received Alflutop 2 ml every other day 10 injections. The values of VAS pain, LANSS, digital pressor algometry, Post-COVID-19 Functional Status (PCFS) questionnaire were analyzed. The total duration of follow-up was 3 months and 20 days. Results. The severity of the pain syndrome changed significantly after 1 month and 20 days (42,3±8,4 vs 33,1±7,0 mm, p <0,05), and following the end of observation it decreased to the level of «insignificant» (15,1 ±8,8 mm, p <0,05). LANSS questionnaire: significant decrease after 3 months and 20 days (14,6±2,3 vs 9,4± 1,8 points). We registered a significant increase in the local pain threshold after 1 month and 20 days (4,56±1,3 kg/cm2), the maximum after the study completion 5,46±1,8 kg/cm2. The suprasegmental pain threshold changed significantly in relation to the initial value only at the finцэl visit 6,08±1,9 kg/cm2. At the end of therapy, there was a significant improvement in the functional status of the examined category of patients (PCFS: 3,0±0,4 vs 1,9±0,8 points). Conclusions. The use of Alflutop in patients with DLL and PCS can reduce the severity of pain and improve the functional status of patients in a short time from the start of therapy.

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Sobre autores

Sergey Zhivolupov

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Dr. med. habil., professor, professor of the Department of nervous diseases

Igor Samartsev

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Dr. med. habil., associate professor of the Department of nervous diseases

Vladimir Ponomarev

Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Dr. med. habil., professor, head of the Department of neurology and neurosurgery


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