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The literature review examines approaches to the treatment of diabetic angiopathy. The macroangiopathies multifactorial therapy often overlooke feature of diabetic dyslipidemia - hypertriglyceridemia. The positive effect of carbohydrate control for all microangiopathy proved. On the other hand the effectiveness of the blood pressure control and statin therapy proved for nephropathy only. The review analyzes pathogenetic features of the diabetic microvascular complications reduction in the FIELD study in response to therapy with fenofibrate. The possibilities of the drug in the treatment of diabetic vascular complications considered except its effect on hypertriglyceridemia.

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Sobre autores

Lyudmila Ruyatkina

Novosibirsk State Medical University

MD, professor, Department of emergency therapy with endocrinology and occupational diseases of the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of doctors 630091, Novosibirsk, 52 Krasny prospect

Dmitry Ruyatkin

Novosibirsk State Medical University

PhD, associate professor of Department of emergency therapy with endocrinology and occupational diseases of the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of doctors 630091, Novosibirsk, 52 Krasny prospect

Svetlana Zemlyanukhina

Polyclinic № 2 of Non-state healthcare institution «Road clinical hospital at the station Novosibirsk-Main JSC «RZD»»

endocrinologist 630123, Novosibirsk, 21 Sibirskaya St


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